Genus: Gilmoreosaurus non BRETT-SURMAN, 1979

Species: atavus NESOV, 1995 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Great-great-grandfather, referring to the relationship to other duckbilled dinosaurs.

Holotype: TsNIGR museum #576/12457

Locality: SH-20, Khodzhakul’, middle to lower sections of the Khodzhakul Svita, Karakalpakistan, Northwest Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower or Middle section of the Khodzhakul’ Formation (Khodzhakul’skaya Svita).


Age: Upper Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Tooth.
Note: NORMAN & SUES, 2000, state that this tooth is not hadrosaurian but belong to an ornithiopod.

Referred material:

Number: Not given: 10 teeth.


Species: arkhangelskyi (RIABININ, 1931) NESOV, 1995 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor of the geologist A. D. Arkhangelsky.

Holotype: TsNIGR museum #664/12457

Locality: CDZH-16, Dzhira-Khuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower section of the Bissekt Formation, (Bissektiyskaya Svita).


Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, or Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.

Material: Left frontal.

Note: NORMAN & SUES, 2000, state that some of the material is hadrosaurian while others are ornithopodian.

Referred material:

Number: Not given: Parietal, braincase, maxilla, surangular, atlas and epistropheus, vertebrae, and scapulae.

No. 571: Frontal.

No. 573: Tooth.

No. 577: Anterior part of a sacrum.

No. 582: Dentary.

No. 584, 484: Postorbitals.

No. 605: Caudal vertebra.


A) Dentaries; B, D) ?; C) Tooth.

A) Sacrum; B) Maxilla; C) Left frontal; D) ?; E) Vertebra.



= Gilmoreosaurus sp. cf. G. arkhangelskyi

Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZH-14, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. No. 589: Vertebra.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZH-17, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 252, 554: Teeth.



Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZh-17a, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


No. 566: Upper part of the braincase.

No. 567: Major occipital bone.

No. 611: phalange.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZH-23, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 604: Humerus.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-2, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 603: Humerus.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-5, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 665: Frontal.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-19, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 612: Phalange.

Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-23, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 579: Left maxilla.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-24, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 581: Dentary.

No. 614: Surangular.


Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-28, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


No. 570: Frontal.