Species: mongoliensis SERENO, 2000
Etymology: Latinized form of Mongolia, where the specimen was found.
= Microceratops gobiensis MARYANSKA & OSMOLSKA, 1975
Holotype: ZPAL MgDI/.156
Locality: Shireegiin Gashuun (Sheergeen Gashoon), Bayanhongor, Mongolia.
Horizon: Shireegiin Gashuun (Sheeregeen Gashoon) Formation.
Age: Cenomanian-Turonian Stage, Uppermidde-Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf
Epoch, Middle-Late Cretaceous.
Material: Damaged skull, including posterior portion of jugals, quadrates,
quadrate wings of pterygoids, quadratojugals, fragments of ectopterygoids,
fragment of maxilla containing 3 teeth, basioccipital, fragment of exoccipital,
posterior part of parietosquamosal frill, mandibles lacking predentary and
splenial but containing 3 dentary teeth, postcranial skeleton including 23
vertebrae (nearly all with damaged neural arches) among which are 4 posterior
cervicals, 12 dorsals and 7 sacrals, right scapula, proximal part of left scapula,
left coracoid, right humerus, radius and fragmentary ulna, proximal and distal
extremities of left humerus, proximal parts of both pubes, fragments of both
ilia, and fragment of right ischium, right femur, tibia and nearly complete
pes, distal part of left tibia, fragmentary left pes, tarsals, ribs.