Species: notabilis LAMBE, 1914
Etymology: Latin, notabilis, "notable, remarkable, extraordinary, memorable."
= Hadrosaurus notabilis (LAMBE, 1914) BAIRD & HORNER,
= Kritosaurus notabilis (LAMBE, 1914) PARKS, 1920
Holotype: NMC 2278
Locality: Quarry 035, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and dentary.
Referred material:
= Gryposaurus cf. notabilis GALLANGER, PARRIS & SPAMER, 1986
Locality: Ellisdale Locality, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Horizon: Basal Hornerstown Formation, Greensand, Rancocas Group.
Age: Upper Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
NJSM 12703, 12133:
HEATON, 1972
Locality: 3 miles below Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 873 (old number 5859): Skull with skin impression on right jugal.
HORNER, 1979
Locality: Lake Basin (near Big Lake), 6.5-8 km from D. Whitney's, about 24 km NNE of Columbus, Stillwater County, Montana.
Horizon: Bearpaw Formation.
Age: Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
YPM 16970 ("Dino A"): Incomplete postcranial skeleton and partial skull.
Locality: Crawford Ranch between Fish Creek and Mud Creek about 29 km southeast of Harlowton, Wheatland County, Montana.Horizon: Bearpaw Formation.
Age: Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
YPM 16969: Left ulna, portion of pelvis, hind limbs and complete tail.
= Gryposaurus cf. notabilis LULL & WRIGHT, 1942Locality: Sand Creek, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5350: Skull, braincase, femur, tibia, fibula and several ribs.
MALLON, EVANS, ZHANG & XING, 2022Localitiy: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CM 2815: Skull roof.
CMN 12240: Skull roof.
CMN 57078: Skull roof and partial braincase.
ROM 1939: Nearly complete left nasal and paried dentaries.
RTMP 1991.081.0001: Nearly coplete, partially articualted skull missing quadrates and postdenary bones.
McINTOSH, 1981
Locality: Mud Creek, Fergus County, Montana.
Horizon: Judith River Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CM 1077: Cranium, part of left maxilla, left jugal and part of right.
Note: = Hadrosaurus sp, Kritosaurus sp LULL & WRIGHT, 1942, McINTOSH.
Locality: Locality 5, Legal subdivision 8, Sec. 32, TS 1, R11, west of 4th mer. Southeast side of Dead horse Coulee, Cypress County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Deadhorse Coulee Member, Milk River Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Aquilian age, Late Santonian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: Locality 7, Legal subdivision 12, Sec. 33, TS 1, R11, west of 4th mer. Southeast side of Dead horse Coulee, Cypress County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Deadhorse Coulee Member, Milk River Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Aquilian age, Late Santonian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: Locality 10, Legal subdivision 9, Sec. 36, TS 1, R12, west of 4th mer. North side of Dead horse Coulee, Cypress County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Deadhorse Coulee Member, Milk River Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Aquilian age, Late Santonian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
VIALLI, 1960Locality: Quarry 137, Near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Milano Museum Cat. n. V345: Skull and mandible, 8 cervical, 8 dorsal and 40 caudal vertebrae, 5 chevrons, some fragments of dorsal ribs, right and left scapulae, left sternal bone, right and left humeri, right and left ulnae, right radius, left metacarpal I, 6 phalanges of left manus, left pubis and part of right pubis, right and left ischia, both femora, both tibiae, left fibula, left astragalus, left metatarsal II, right metatarsal IV, 5 phalanges of left pes, 3 phalanges of right pes.
Note: With skin impression (BERTOZZO, DAL SASSO, FABBRI, MANUCCI & MAGANUCO, 2018).
Note: Pathologic bones: Predentary, dorsal vertebrae, adn caudal vertebrae (BERTOZZO, DAL SASSO, FABBRI, MANUCCI & MAGANUCO, 2018).
Locality: Near mouth of Sand Creek, about 50 ft (15m) above Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
NMC 8784: Nearly complete skull, and a nearly complete skeleton in poor state of preservation of a young individual. Most of the distal forelimb region is missing, tibiae and fibulae are incomplete, and the preservation of much of the vertebral column is very poor.
Note: Paleopathology, the right prepubis has a smooth pit and roughened knob.
Gryposaurus notabilis after MALLON, EVANS, ZHANG & ZING, 2022; A) dorsal and B) lateral views.
= Trachodon marginatus LAMBE, 1902 (nomen dubium; in part)
Etymology: Latin, marginatus, "margin, border."
= Stephanosaurus marginatus (LAMBE, 1902) LAMBE, 1914
= Kritosaurus marginatus (LAMBE, 1902) GILMORE, 1924 (nomen dubium)
= Thespesius marginatus (LAMBE, 1902) STEEL, 1969 (nomen dubium)
= Pteropelyx marginata (LAMBE, 1902) LAMBE, 1902 (nomen dubium)
= Pteropelyx marginatus (LAMBE, 1902) LAMBE, 1902 (nomen dubium)Holotype: NMC 419
Locality: Near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Humerus, ulna, radius, metatarsal, and phalanges of pes, zygapophyses of cervical vertebrae, ribs, fragments of teeth, ossified tendons, impressions of integument, disassociated femora, tibiae, metacarpals, and phalanges of manus, rami of the lower jaw, maxillae with teeth, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, pubis, ischia, ilia, chevrons and teeth.
Species: incurvimanus (PARKS,
1920) GATES & SAMPSON, 2007 (as per PRIETO-MARQUEZ, 2010B)
= Kritosaurus incurvimanus PARKS, 1920
Etymology: Latin, incurvare, in- + curvare, "to curve," and Latin, manus, "hand."
= Kritosaurs incruvimanus NAGAO, 1936 (sic)
Holotype: ROM 764 (old GSC 4514)
Locality: Sand Hill Creek about 2 1/2 miles above Happy Jack Ferry and 1 mile south of the Red Deer River, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull missing snout and skeleton with skin impressions and dermal scutes?
Note: The following numbers from type are from BRETT-SURMAN, 1989.
ROM 770 (old GSC 4634), ROM 773 (Old GSC 4644), ROM 774 (GSC 4644):
Referred material:
Locality: UCMP Locality No. V83125, Canadian Creek, Hill County, Montana.
Horizon: Judith River Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 769 (old GSC 4629), ROM 771 (old GSC 4643), ROM 772 (old GSC 4644):
MOR 399: Partial skull.
HORNER, 1992
Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 1980.022.0001: Skull.
RTMP 1980.022.0001: Skull after GATES & SAMPSON, 2007.
Locality: Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation.
Age: Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 80.22.01: Skull and skeleton.
= cf. Kritosaurus sp TANKE, 2004
Locality: 6.4 Km NNE of Elmworth, directly across from the Red Willow Park campground, just upstream from the Secondary Highway 722 bridge, Red Willow River Falls, Peace District, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Wapiti Formation.
Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 1989.092.0001: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.
Species: latidens HORNER, 1992
Etymology: Latin, lati, latus, "wide" and Latin, dens, "tooth": Latidens meaning “wide tooth”
Holotype: AMNH 5465 (tail section originally numbered AMNH 5467).
Locality: Near the Two Medicine River, 19 km southwest of Cut Bank, Glacier County, Montana.
Horizon: Lower Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Foremost Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: A partial skeleton consisting of articulated nearly complete premaxillae, partial nasals, complete left fragmentary right dentary, left surangular, left splenial, various cervical, dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, right sternum, both coracoids and nerly complete scapula,e complete left and partial right humerus, partial left ilium, nearly complete left pubis, left radious and complete right fibula.
Referred material:
Locality: MOR TM-055, Two Medicine River, Pondera County, Montana.
Horizon: Lower Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Foremost Formation.Biostratigraphy:
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MOR 478: Monospecific bonebed with numerous skeletal elements, consisting of variou cranial and postcranial elements corresponding to a ninimum of two individuals (with at least one subadult), including a nearly complete right nasal, nearly complete left maxilla, a partial left and complete right jugal, nearly complete left squamosal, two nearly complete left surangulars, various partial caudal vertebrae and dorsal ribs, partial right sternum, fragmentary blade of a right scapula, proximal fragment of humerus, complete right humerus, ulna, proximal region of preacetabular process and pubic peduncle of a left ilium, two metacarpals II, one metacarpal IV, right fibula missing its distal end, two right metatarsals III, a pedal phalanx III-1, and a pedal ungual III (as per PRIETO-MARQUEZ, 2012).
Species: monumentensis GATES & SAMPSON, 2007
Etymology: In reference to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
in southern Utah, where all referred material of this species have been recovered.
= Species: Nova GATES & SAMPSON,
Holotype: RAM 6797
Locality: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Garfield County, south-cental Utah.
Horizon: Kaiparowits Formation.
Age: Upper Campanian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Largely articulated skull lacking most of the right side of the skull.
Referred material:
UMNH VP 13970: Partial disarticulated subadult skull that includes both maxillae and dentaries, right nasal, partial quadrate, right jugal, right vomer and right prefrontal.
UMNH VP 12265: Partial skull and skeleton preserving both maxillae, left dentary, left quadrate, and partial jugal, left humerus, right and left scapulae, right coracoid, multiple ribs, both ilia, pubes, and ischia, most of the dorsal, sacral, and caudal series, including skin impressions on the right side of the vertebral series.
GETTY, 2011
UMNH VP 2012: Skull and nearly complete skeleton.
UMNH VP 16677: Nearly complete infant skeleton.
Species:? alsatei LEHMAN, WICK, & WAGNER, 2016
Etymology: In homage ot Alsate, the legendary renegade last chief of the
Chisos Apahches (Miles, 1976), and alludes to ths hadrosaur being the last known
inhabit Texas prior to the terminal Cretaceous extinction event.
Holotype: TMM 46033-1
Locality: Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas.
Horizon: Upper part of the Javelina Formation.
Age: Lancian age, Latest Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Fragmentary skull including parts of basioccipital, left palatine, left and right frontals, left prefrontal, parts of right premaxilla, left maxilla, right jugal, fragment of left quadrate, left and right dentaries, left splenial, part of right surangular, and parts of postcranial skeleton including centrum of axis, neural arch of posterior cervical vertebra, sacral centrum, proximal and distal caudal vertebrae, right humerus, right tibia, right metatarsal II, right metatarsal II, right metatarsal III, right pedal ungual phalanx (digit II), right pubis, 2 dorsal ribs, skin impressions, and other bone fragments of uncertain identy.
Modified from LEHMAN, WICK, & WAGNER, 2016.
Referred material:
TMM 46033-2: Maxillary tooth.
TMM 46033-3: Denary tooth.
LSUMG V-1183: Right quadrate.