Genus: Hypacrosaurus BROWN, 1913
Etymology: Greek, bypakros, “nearly the highest”, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “near-highest lizard”.
= Cheneosaurus LAMBE, 1917
Etymology: Greek, cheneos, “goose-like” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “goose-like lizard”.
= Cheneousaurus NAGO, 1936 (sic)
= Hypacrosaurus NAGO, 1936 (sic)
= Hypocrosaurus STERNBERG, 1953 (sic)

Species: altispinus BROWN, 1913
Etymology: Laitn, alti, "high" and Latin, spina, "spine."

Holotype: AMNH 5204

Locality: 4 miles above Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, LS 8, Sec. 2, TP. 34, Rge 22, W of 44th Meridian, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Five-hundred? feet below top of formation, lower part of Unit 4, Tolman Member, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Last 8 dorsal vertebrae, 2 anterior caudal vertebrae, ilia, right ischium, right pubis, Dan several ribs.


AMNH 5206

Locality: 2 miles above Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Above Drumheller Marine Tongue, Tp. 32, Rge 22, W of 4th Meridian, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: 3 mid-dorsal vertebrae.


AMNH 5217

Locality: Thirty feet above river at Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, LS 2, Sec. 23, Tp. 33, Rge 22, W of 4th Meridian, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Five-hundred? feet below top of formation, above Drumheller Marine Tongue, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Sacrum, last 10 dorsal vertebrae, 9 ribs, left ilium, right pubis, left femur, left tibia, right and left fibulae, 4 metatarsals, 5 phalanges and section of epidermis.


AMNH 5257

Locality: "16 miles south of the Tolman Ferry", Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon:Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete postcranial skeleton that includes 9 cervicle vertebrae, a front limb, left tibia, fibula and foot.

Referred martial:

BROWN, 1912/1913

Locality: Near Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5225: A complete ischium.

Note: Originally a Plesiotype of Saurolophus osborni.

EVANS, 2010

Locality: Alberta State, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5428: Complete braincase with reconstructed basicranial region, and natural forebrain endocast of ironstone.

CMN 8674: Articulated skull, jaws only.

ROM 702: Almost complete disarticulated skull.

ROM 789: Poorly preserved skull.

ROM 1438: Incomplete skull and partially articulated postcranial skeleton of a juvenile.

RTMP 82.10.01: Incommplete subadult skeleton with skull.

RTMP 2006.15.01: Isolated articulated skull of a large juvenile individual, occipital region largely complete, snout damaged and rostrum missing.


Locality: RTMP Quarry stake Li509, CMS 1925-No. 5, LS 15, Sec. 6, Tp. 33, Rge 21, W of 4th Meridian, Alberta State, Canada.

Horizon: Above Drumheller Marine Tongue, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CMN 8673: Disarticulatd skull of a subadult individual.


Locality: 5 miles northwest of Scollard, SW 1/4, sec. 33, T34N, R21W, Alberta State, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CMN 8675: Disarticulated skull with excellently preserved crest.



Locality:Unit 4, LF 2, Sec. 6, tp. 33, R21W, 4th mer. 3 miles below Tolman ferry, left hand side of Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMC 8501: Skull, right ramus, an articulated series of dorsal sacral and caudal vertebrae, numerous thoracic ribs, right humerus, ulna, radius, pelvic arch and complete right hind limb and foot.


Locality: Sec. 12, tp. 34, R22W, 4th mer. 5 miles north of Tolman ferry, east side of Red Deer River, sec. 12, T34N, R22W, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Above Drumheller Marine Tongue, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5278 (Old NMC 8500): Skull lacking the crest and both dentaries.



Locality: Albertosaurus bonebed, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Early Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subepoch, Late Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 1998.063.0008, 1998.063.0080, 1999.050.0119, 1999.050.0122, 1999.050.0123, 1999.050.0124, 2000.045.0042, 2000.045.0081, 2000.045.0105, 2002.045.0087, 2002.045.0054, 2003.045.040, 2003.045.041, 2003.045.00, 2003.045.0047, 2004.056.0058, 2003.043.002: Teeth.

RTMP 1998.063.0017, 1999.050.125, 2001.045.0055, 2003.045.0022, 2004.056.0063: Metatarsal.

RTMP 1998.063.0018, 1998.063.033, 1998.063.0086, 2002.045.0056, 2003.045.0048, 2005.050.0066, 2005.050.0068, UALVP52091, 52092, 52094, 52095, 52105: Caudal vertebrae.

RTMP 1998.063.0086, 1999.050.0011, 1999.050.0126, 1999.050.0137, 1999.050.0154, 2003.045.0043, 2004.056.0059: Vertebrae.

RTMP 1999.050.0170, 2003.045.0075: Pubis.

RTMP 2000.045.0013,2000.045.0029, 2000.045.0051, 2001.045.0088, 2002.045.0055, 2003.045.0046, 2005.050.0065, UWAVP52076, 52089: Phalanges.

RTMP 2002.045.0057, 2003.045.0077, 2005.050.0062: Limb bones.

RTMP 2002.045.0058: Jaw.

RTMP 2002.045.0059: Ilium.

RTMP 2003.045.0042: Humerus.

RTMP 2003.045.0044, 2003.045.0080: Cervical vertebrae.

RTMP 2003.045.0045: Pedal phalanx

RTMP 2003.045.0080, 2004.056.0062: Ischium.

RTMP 2003.045.0082: Tibia.

RTMP 2004.056.0060: Dorsal vertebrae (not prepared).

RMTP 2004.056.0061: Dorsal vertebra.

UALVP52100: Fibula.

UALVP52116: Femur.



Locality: 16 miles below Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Five-hundred? feet below top of formation, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5272: Fore limb, 9 cervical vertebrae, left tibia, fibula, and foot.


Locality: Above Rumsey Ferry, east side of the Red Deer River, Starland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 4974: Skull.







RTMP P82.10.8: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.

Skull reconstructed from the top illustration.


= Cheneosaurus tolmanensis LAMBE, 1917 (Juvenile)
Etymology: In reference to the Tolman Ferry, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada, near where the specimen was found.

Holotype: NMC. 2246

Locality: 5 miles above the Tolman Ferry, west side of the Red Deer River, Sec. 11, Tp. 34, Rge 22, W of 4th Meridian, GFS 1915-6, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Skull, limb bones, pelvic arch, not altogether complete, vertebrae, and other parts.

Referred material:

Locality: Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park, About 1 mile northwest of the mouth of Big Valley Creek, 4 miles from the Holotype, west side of the Red Deer River, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMC 2247: Skull of a smaller individual.


Species: stebingeri HORNER & CURRIE, 1994
Etymology: Stebingeri, to honor the late Eugene Stebinger, who first described the Two Medicine Formation and discovered the first remains of this species.

Holotype: MOR 549

Locality: TM-065, Badger Creek, Glacier County, Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Middle Dinosaur Park Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Nearly complete skull and skeleton.

Referred material:

AMNH 5461, MOR 355, 455, 548, 553, 559, 562: Juvenile specimens.


= Lambeosuarine gen. sp indet GILMORE, 1937

Locality: North side of the Two Medicine River, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Teton County, Montana.

Horizon: Two Medicine Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


USNM 11893: Fragmentary skull and a partial skeleton of a juvenile.


Locality: Near Blacktail Creek, southwest of Cutbank, Glacier County, Northwestern Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Middle Dinosaur Park Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 1994.385.01: Nearly complete, articulted sub-adult skull.



Locality: Little Diablo’s Hill, Nest No 2, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 88.79.36: 4 unprepared broken eggs with embryonic bone.

RTMP 88.79: Disarticulated bones from at lest 3 individuals found along the eroded edge of the nest.

RTMP 88.79.52: A single associated individual from the nest.

RTMP 88.79.334, 87.79.370: Articulated pair of premaxillae.

RTMP 87.79.108, 153, 238, 306: 5 right maxillae.

RTMP 87.79.154, 286, 336: 3 Left maxillae.

RTMP 87.79.332: Left jugal.

RTMP 87.79.369: Right jugal.

RTMP 87.79.333, 87.79.364: 2 left postorbitals..

RTMP 87.79.241, 374: 2 sets of parietals.

RTMP 87.79.18, 77, 320: 3 left quadrates.

RTMP 87.79.298: 1 right quadrate.

RTMP 87.79.206: Left frontal.

RTMP 87.79.371, 372: A pair of frontals.

RTMP 87.79.307: Left exoccipital.

RTMP 87.79.158: Left and 2 right exoccipitials.

RTMP 87.79.227: Left laterosphenoid.

RTMP 87.79.373: Right laterosphenoid.

RTMP 87.79.201, 303: Left and right prootic.

RTMP 87.79.335: Parasphenoid-basisphenoid.

RTMP 87.79.157, 193: Basiocciptials.

RTMP 87.79.193: Predentary.

RTMP 87.79.266, 267: Pair of lower jaws.

RTMP 87.79.50, 51, 52, 149, 150, 151: Left dentary fragments.

RTMP 87.79.53, 152, 253: Right dentary fragments.

RTMP 87.79.247: Left ectopterygoid.


Locality: Little Diablo’s Hill, Nest No. 3, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 87.79.22: Broken egg containing an articulated skeleton with skull.


Locality: Little Diablo’s Hill, Nest No.5, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 87.79.17: Right prefrontal.

RTMP 87.79.16: Laterosphenoid.

RTMP 87.79.6: Right dentary.

Specimens small representing embryos arrested earlier in development.

Skull based on RTMP 89.79.52, 87.79.206, 87.79.241, 87.77.92, 87.79.333.

RTMP 88.3.2

Locality: Little Diablo’s Hill, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 89.79.53: Nest

Specimens found several meters east and 25 cm higher than Nest No. 2. 8 eggs and probably more originally.


Locality: Little Diablo’s Hill, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 88.79.34, 35: Isolated eggs.

Note: Found near Nests 2 and 5. Eggs may have been washed out been expelled form these nests.


Locality: North Babby Butte, locality stratigraphically lower than Little Diablo’s Hill, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Warner County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.

RTMP 87.77.92: Left prefrontal.

RTMP 87.77.88, 89, 90: 3 basiocciptials.

RTMP 87.77.83., 85, 86, 138: 5 dentary fragments.


Locality: Kiddie’s Corner, Locality 100 m from and 10 m below Little Diablo’s Hill, Devil’s Coulee, Milk River Ridge, Southern Alberta Provine, Canada.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 87.80.25: Fragments of left jugal.

RTMP 87.80.26: Left dentary.


Locality: 50 kilometers southwest of Devil’s Coulee at Landslide Butte, Glacier County, Montana.

Horizon: Middle Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given: Eggs, nests, embryos, hatchlings and adults skeletons.
Note: HORNER, 1993: 5 skulls representing embryo, nestling, juvenile, subadult and adult.


Locality: Glacier County, Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NSM-PV 20377-20378, ROM 53592-94, ROM 61784-86, TCMI 2001.96.01-03, RTMP 1994.385.001, RTMP 2007.10.0001-0003 :

= Hypacrosaurus?altispinus GILMORE, 1917

Locality: South side of Milk River, NW 1/4, sec. 27, T37N, R8W, on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Teton County, Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Middle Dinosaur Park Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


USNM 7948: Left ramus, left jugal, 2 cervical processes, 9 sacral centra with sacral ribs, 5 caudals, and anterior chevron, 3 posterior ribs, 8 spines pertaining to the dorsal and sacral region, left ilium, both pubes, left femur, both tibiae and fibulae, both metatarsi III, distal portion of metatarsal IV, 5 phalanges, both ulnae, metacarpal IV, and several fragments.





Anterior caudal.

Median caudal vertebra.


HORNER, 1994

Locality: Hypacrosaurus nesting ground, Locality TM-035, Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Middle Dinosaur Park Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


MOR 434-A: Mid-shaft femur.

MOR 434-B: Proximal femur.

MOR 434-C: Sacral vertebra.

MOR 434-D: Proximal tibia.

MOR 434-E: Proximal femur.

MOR 434-F: Mid-shaft femur.

MOR 434-G: Mid-shaft fibula.

MOR 434-H: Proximal femur.

MOR 434-I: Distal tibia.

MOR 434-J: Distal femur.

MOR 434-K: Proximal dentary.

MOR 434-L: Proximal dentary.

MOR 434-M: Dorsal vertebra.

MOR 434-N: Cervical vertebra.

MOR 434-O: Associated caudal vertebrae (3)

MOR 434-P: Distal tibia.

MOR 434-Q: Distal tibia.

MOR 434-R: Distal femur.

MOR 434-S: Mid-shaft femur.

MOR 434-T: Mid-shaft femur.

MOR 434-U: Mid-shaft ulna.

MOR 434-V: Proximal ulna.

MOR 434-W: Mid-shaft humerus.

MOR 434-X: Caudal vertebra.

MOR 434-Y: Mid-shaft tibia.

MOR 434-Z: Caudal vertebra.

MOR 434-a: Unknown mid shafts.

MOR 434-b: 2 caudal vertebrae.

MOR 434-c: Mid-shaft radius.

MOR 434-d: Sacral vertebra.

MOR 434-e: Cervical vertebra.

MOR 434-f: Proximal ulna.

MOR 434-g: Cervical vertebra.

MOR 434-h: Caudal vertebra.


Locality: Hypacrosaurus nesting ground, Locality: TM-006, Montana.

Horizon: Upper Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Middle Dinosaur Park Formation.


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


MOR 548: Dentary, femur, fibula, humerus, ilium, jugal, maxilla, metatarsal, postorbital, quadrate, radius, tibia and vertebra of a nestling.


= Hypacrosaurus?altispinus LULL & WRIGHT, 1942

Locality: Sand Creek, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5357: Limbs complete skull poor.

Note: EVENS, 2010 believies this might be a Corythosaurus.