Genus: Iguanodon MANTELL, 1825
Etymology: Iguana, and Greek, odon, “tooth”: “Iguana tooth”.
Delapparentia RUIZ-OMENACA, 2011
Etymology: In honor of Albert Feliz de Lapparent (1905-1975), who first described
the specimen from La Maca 3 and other dinosaur fauna in 1960.
= Hikanodon KEFERSTEIN, 1834
= Iguanaodon GALTON & POWELL, 1980 (sic)
= Iguanosaurus (ANONYMOUS) 1824 (nomen oblitium)
Etymology: Iguana, and Greek, sauros, "lizard."
= Iguonodon GALTON & H. P. POWELL, 1980 (sic)
= Iguanadon STOKES, 1988 (sic)
= Iguanodon A. D. WALKER, 1964 (sic)
= Jguanodon KALANDADZE & KURZANOV, 1973 (sic)
Species: bernissartensis BOULENGER vide van
Etymology: In reference to Bernissart, Belgium.
Note: Made the type species of Iguanodon.
Lectotype: IRSNB 1534 [Q]
Locality: A deep underground mine called the Sainte-Barbe pit, near Bernissart, Hainault Province, Belgium.
Horizon: Sainte-Barbe Clays Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Bernissartian.
Age: Hauterivian Stage, Upper Neocomian Subepoch-Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Mounted skeleton, lacking distal portions of digits II-IV of right manus, the distal phalanges of digits III-IV of left pes, the right ilium and an "interstranl ossification.
Note: Now the type species of the genus.
IRSNB 1535[N]: Skeleton displayed "en gisement", lacking distal portions of both hind limbs and many ribs.
IRSNB 1536[A3]: Mounted skeleton lacking only distal end of tail.
IRSNB 1561[L]: Mounted skeleton, lacking distal portions of right radius and ulna, manus, and distal portions of right tibia, fibula and pes.
IRSNB 1562[E2]: Mounted skeleton almost complete but poorly preserved.
IRSNB 1639[R]: Mounted skeleton almost complete but poorly preserved.
IRSNB 1657[D2]: Mounted skeleton, skull poorly preserved.
IRSNB 1680[J]: Skeleton displayed "en gisement". Skull obliquely fractured, remainder of skeleton rather poorly preserved. Portions of left hindlimb and right forelimb missing.
IRSNB 1713[Z]: Mounted skeleton (imperfectly preserved). Right manus and distal ends of hindlimbs missing.
IRSNB 1714[G]: Mounted skeleton, pectoral girdle imperfect, forelimbs missing (except right humerus). Right hind limb imperfect distal end of tail missing.
IRSNB 1715[C]: Skeleton notable for the degree of pyretic decay.
IRSNB 1716[A/B]: Part skeleton comprising the articulated tail, posterior portions of the pelvis, distal portions of left femur and hind limb.
IRSNB 1722[M]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", lacking skull and anterior cervical vertebrae.
IRSNB 1723[V]: Skeleton (part) displayed "en gisment", skull missing, as are the forelimbs and distal end of the tail.
IRSNB 1724[Y]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", skull missing, forelimbs imperfect.
IRSNB 1725[O]: Displayed "en gisment", skeleton moderately well preserved, and poor skull.
IRSNB 1726[U]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", dorsal vertebrae poorly preserved, as the pectoral girdle. Sub-adult?
IRSNB 1727[B3]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", skull missing, as are parts of the pectoral girdle and the manus.
IRSNB 1728[B2]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", Lacks most of pectoral girdle and forelimbs, right hind limb and distal end of tail.
IRSNB 1729[M2]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", Skull badly crushed and disarticulated. Pelvis and right forelimb imperfect. Sub-adult.
IRSNB 1730[F2]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", Lacks skull and anterior vertebrae and parts of pectoral girdle. Sub-adult.
IRSNB 1731 [F]: Skeleton displayed "en gisment", skull quite well preserved externally, dorsal vertebrae mostly missing as well as the pelvis and tail.
Referred material:
IRSNB 1709[N/A]: Forearm and manus embedded in matrix exposed on upper surface.
IRSNB 1710[N/A]: Distal part of tibia and right pes.
IRSNB 1711[N/A]: Portions of tail preserved in articulation and displayed "en gisement".
IRSNB 1712[N/A]: Major portions of 2 articulated feet and distal end of the curs and tarsus.
IRSNB 1558[N/A]: Distal end of left radius and ulna and left manus. Well-preserved, lacking only phalanx 3 of digit V.
IRSNB 1733[X]: Fragmentary forearm and right manus.
Unregistered collections.
"C": Several cervical vertebrae, both humeri, sternal bones, distal radius and ulna, portions of manus, left scapulo-coracoid, pat of ilium and various indeterminate fragments.
"G2": Large scapulo-coracoid, humerus, fragments of radius and ulna, sternal bone, rib fragments, caudal vertebrae, fragments of pes.
Note: Found alongside "Z"."H": Partial skeleton including fragments of skull, cervical vertebrae, dorsal vertebrae and rib fragments, some caudal vertebrae, parts of pectoral girdle and forelimb, fragments of hind limb and the pes.
"K"?: Indeterminate fragments, possibly represents fragments found near individuals "M" and "N".
"R": Humerus, radius, and ulna, distal ends of the tibia and fibula, fragments of vertebrae.
Note: Found with IRSNB 1639[R]."S": Partial skeleton consisting of moderately well preserved series of dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, fragments of pelvis and anterior caudal vertebrae.
"Z": Partial skeleton comprising part of skull, cervical vertebrae, dorsal ribs, fragments of pelvis and limb bones.
Note: Not referable to IRSNB 1713[Z]Note: MOODIE, 1920/SEITZ, 1907, report on the histology.
Note: One of the skeletons has overgrowth of articular margins forming osteophytes, at the ankle joint.
cf. bernissartensis
IRSNB [J2]: Poorly preserved series of caudal vertebrae "en gisement".
IRSNB 1735[N/A]: Ungual and distal phalanges of a single pedial digit.
Note: Found with IRSNB 1731[F].Unregistered collections.
"A": Phalanges of pes, femoral fragments, sternal bone.
Note: Possibly associated with IRSNB 1716[A./B]."D": Fragments of the pes, ribs and zygapogphyses.
"E": Acetabular fragment of the left pubis, and portions of pubic rami, indeterminate fragments.
"P": Parts of hind limbs and left and right pes and some indeterminate fragments.
MANABE, 2005
NHMUK (old BMNH) 36499: Tooth.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 46874: Vertebra?
Iguanodon bernissartensis (after CASIER, 1978), BLG 22
Locality: Coal tips, ("terril"), Bernissart, Belgium.
Horizon: Bernissartian.
Age: Hauterivian Stage, Upper Neocomian Subepoch-Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) : Several caudal vertebrae, ossified tendons.
Locality: CMP-11, Mas de Sabate site within the Mas de la Parreta Quarry, southwest of the locality Morella, Castellon Province, Eastern Spain.
Horizon Archllas de Morella Formation.
Age: Earliest Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
CMP-MS-04: Skull and postcranial elements, incomplete dorsal vertebra, 2 incomplete posterior dorsal vertebrae, fragment of a dorsal or sacral neural spine, incomplete sacrum, 3 almost complete anterior caudal vertebrae, a mid-posterior caudal centrum and 7 incomplete haemal arches.
Locality: Claypit at Smokejacks Brickworks (Ockley Brick Company Limited), Wallis Wood, Ockley, near Dorking, Surrey County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Weald Clay, Upper Wealden.
Age: Earliest Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) and David Cooper collection: Metacarpal of a very large individual, vertebra and other bones.
Note: A young specimen was found in the stomach of Baryonyx walkeri (CHARIG & MILNER, 1997); i. e., supraoccipital, cervical vertebrae, dorsal vertebrae, proximal caudal centrum, neural spine, humerus, manual phalanges, distal femora, indeterminate limb fragments, metatarsals II, III and IV, and four phalanges.
Locality: From the Upper Silty Bed north of the sea wall below Yaverland Battery, Sandown, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
IWCMS 3866: Limb bones, vertebrae, teeth and a partial jaw.
DELAIR, 1966
Locality: Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
Newman collection: Dorsal, caudal vertebrae, fragments of limb-bones, metatarsals, and phalangeals.
DOLLO, 1909
Locality: Bedfordshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Upper Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
Locality: Sussex, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
GALTON, 2009
= Megalosaurus OWEN, 1857,= modified form of a dinosaurian ilium HULKE, 1874
Locality: Stammerham near Horsham, West Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Grinsted Clay Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
BMB 004301: Pubis.
Locality: CMP-11, Mas de la Parreta Fossil site, Morella, Castellon Province, Spain.
Horizon: Arcillas de Morella Formation.
Age: Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: 2 right maxillae.
Locality: CMP-5, Quarry of the Mas de la Parret (by the Vega del Moll S. A. Company), Morella, Castellon Province, Spain.
Horizon: Moreall Formation.
Age: Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: At least 9 specimens.
Locality: Bois de Baudour clay quarries, Mons Basin, Hainault Province, Belgium.
Horizon: Bernissartian.
Age: Hauterivian Stage, Upper Neocomian Subepoch-Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
RBINS R268: Left coracoid.
HUTT, 2001
Locality: Brook Bay, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MIWG 3589: Phalanx.
Locality: Clockhouse brickworks, (Clock House/Butterley TQ 175385), New Pit, Surrey County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Lower Weld, Wealden Formation.
Age: Hauterivian Stage, Upper Neocomian Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Fragmentary dorsal vertebra.
Locality: Clockhouse brickworks, (Clock House/Butterley TQ 175385), Old Pit, Surry County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Weld, Upper Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
Horshan Museum:
Locality: Chowleaze Chine, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK R5331: Right pubis, pat os sacrum, portion of tail with eight caudal vertebrae, neural spines and chevrons.
MIWG.5165: 2 isolated teeth.
Locality: Unknown, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK OR28630, O28931, OR28932, R106a: Dorsal vertebrae.
NHUMK R6162: Right ischium.
MARTIN & BUFFETAUT, 1993Locality: Baudonvilliers, Meuse, Saint Dizier, France.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Saint Dizier Museum 752698: Cervical ribs.
Locality: Cousancelles, Meuse, Saint Dizier, France.Horizon:
Age: Upper Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Saint Dizier Museum
752696: Right humerus.
752697: Proximal part of a rib.
752700: Ungual phalange.
Locality: La Grange au Rupt, Haute-Marne, Saint Dizier, France.
Age: Lower Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Saint Dizier Museum unnumbered: Right humerus.
Locality: Canal du Der, Haute-Marne, Saint Dizier, France.
Age: Upper Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Saint Dizier Museum: 1 dorsal vertebra, 18 articulated caudal vertebrae with ossified tendons and some with chevrons. Right pubis, right ischium, right radius, distal end of a left femur, distal end of left tibia, left fibula, proximal and distal end of left fibula, 3 phalanges, 2 femora, 2 tibii, 1 humerus, 1 ulna, 1 scapula, 8 phalanges, ribs and a tarsal.
Locality: Nehden, Brandenburg State, West Germany.
Horizon: Contemporary with the Weald Clay of the Wealden Formation.
Age: Hauterivian Stage, Uppermost Neocomian Subepoch, - Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
GPI-80.35: Right femur.
GPI-80/110: Sacral centra.
GPI-80.132: Right prefrontal of a small individual.
GPI-80.225: Neurocranium.
GPI-80/235: Metacarpal III.
GPI-A.18: Right ilium of a small individual.
GPI-A 18a: Caudal centrum.
GPI-A 20: Centrum.
GPI-A.29: Right humerus of a small individual.
GPI-B 79: Sacral centrum of a small individual.
GPI-B 80: Caudal neural spine of a small individual.
GPI-B. 80.98, 118: Cervical vertebrae of a small individual.
GPI-B 81: Caudal centrum of a small individual.
GPI-B 129: Scaral centrum.
GPI-B.281: Jugal of a small individual.
GPI-B 282: Right jugal.
GPI-B.100: Humerus.
GPI-C.158: Chevron.
GPI-C 179: Posterior caudal neural spine of a small individual.
GPI-C.385: Small left coracoid.
GPI-C 510: Caudal neural spine.
GPI-C 727: Sacral centrum.
GPI-C.849: Dentary.
GPI-D.80.245: Scapula.
GPI-D 140: Right femur.
GPI-D.198: Posterior dorsal vertebra.
GPI-D 203: Left pubis.
GPI-D.307: Left humerus of a small individual.
GPI-D.320: Sacral rib.
GPI-D. 328, 356: Sacrum.
GPI-D 366: Caudal neural spine.
GPI-D 376: Surangular.
GPI-D.407: Exoccipital-?opisthotic.
GPI-D.448: Ilium.
GPI-D.559: Small scapula.
GPI-D 560: Metacarpal II.
GPI-D.573: Endocranium of a small individual.
GPI-D.594: Right ischium of a small individual.
GPI-D 596: Metacarpal IV.
GPI-D.605: Cervical vertebra.
GPI-E.191: Ilium of a small individual.
GPI-E.203: Pubis.
GPI-E.799: Right quadrate.
GPI-G.506: Maxilla.
GPI-S 768, 901: Sacral centra.
GPI-S 867: Metacarpal V.
Numbers: Not given: Fragmentary tibiae, fibulae and foot bones of a small individuals.
LYDEKKER, 1888Locality: Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R99: Fragment from the posterior part of the cranium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R100: Another basi-cranial fragment.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R101: Fragment of left maxilla.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R102x: Predentary bone.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28662: Fragmentary right dentary.
BMNH R105: Fragmentary right articular.
Note: Figured by Hulke.NHMUK (old BMNH) R105a: 2 specimens of the imperfect right articular of s smaller individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 26837: A slightly imperfect cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R91: Fragmentary cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R92: A larger fragmentary cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28961: A rolled centrum of a small cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 47400: A centrum and part of a smaller cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 47400a: A crushed cervical centrum.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R706: An imperfect vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28629: Anterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28630: An associated dorsal vertebra.
Note: I. mantelli as per OWEN, 1855.NHMUK (old BMNH) R704: Anterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28931: Anterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28932: A similar dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R106: Anterior or middle dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R106a: A similar dorsal vertebra apparently associated.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R106b: A similar dorsal vertebra apparently associated.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R106c: A fragmentary dorsal vertebrae apparently associated.
BMNH R106d: The centrum and part of the arch of an anterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28508: A posterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R137: 2 dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R107: A fragmentary dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R28683: Neural arch of a dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28630a: A fragmentary middle dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 39555: Proximal extremity of a large rib.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28628: Anterior portion of the sacrum.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28631: Part of the sacrum.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28689: Centrum of a sacral vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145: Centra of 2 middle caudals.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145a: Centrum and base of the arch of a middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145b: The centrum and base of the arch of a middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145c: The centrum and base of the arch of a smaller middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145d: A very similar specimen.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145e: An imperfect middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 37691: The rolled centrum and arch of a middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145f: An imperfect middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 43502: An imperfect middle caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R145g: 2 associated middle caudal vertebrae.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1012: A left scapula missing the distal end.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 32913: Proximal half of a rather large left scapula.
BMNH 28642: Proximal half a smaller left scapula.
BMNH R117: Proximal half of a left humerus of a very large individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R159: A crushed proximal end of a rather small right humerus.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R844: Cast of a considerably smaller humerus.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R140: A left ulna.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R132-3: Proximal phalanges of the 2nd and 3rd digits and the 4th metacarpal of the left manus.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R169: A fragmentary left ischium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2675: Middle shaft of a right femur of a very large individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2649: A somewhat imperfect left femur of a smaller individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R168: Fragmentary fibula, wanting both ends.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R132a: A metatarsal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28652: Distal extremity of a 3rd metatarsal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28644: 3rd left metatarsal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28645: 4th right metatarsal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28679: Cast of a terminal phalangeal of the 3rd digit of the pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1658: Terminal phalangeal of the lateral digit of the pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28704: Cast of the above.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 37702: An imperfect terminal phalangeal of one of the lateral digits of the pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1657: Proximal phalange of the 4th digit of the right pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R2510: Left humerus.
Locality: Brook Point, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28638: A middle caudal vertebra.
Locality: Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.
Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1018a: An imperfect posterior caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1016: The proximal phalangeal of the second digit of the right pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1017: Proximal phalangeal of the 3rd digit of the left pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1018: Proximal phalange of a 4th digit of the left pes.
Locality: Cuckfield, West Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2115: A fragmentary posterior dorsal vertebra.
Note: Referred to Cetiosaurus brevis by OWEN in 1841.NHMUK (old BMNH) 2133: Centrum and part of the arch of a posterior dorsal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2152: Fragmentary right femur.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 10443: Middle portion of a left femur.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2537: Right metatarsal.
Locality: Unknown England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon:
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1011: Centrum and part of the arch of a cervical vertebra.
Locality: Brook, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28670: Fragment of posterior portion of a right maxilla.
Note: OWEN, 1855.NHMUK (old BMNH) 28635: A posterior dorsal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28634, 28654, 28657: A posterior dorsal vertebrae.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28659: Proximal part of a rib.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28659a: Portion of a somewhat larger rib.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28659b: A similar rib.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28633: Anterior caudal vertebra, wanting the extremity of the neural spine.
Note: Figured by OWEN as Pelorosaurus, and erroneously stated as Sussex.NHMUK (old BMNH) 28627: Anterior caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28656: Anterior caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28655: A caudal centrum.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28667: A chevron of an anterior caudal vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28668: Imperfect chevron of an anterior caudal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28643: Imperfect left coracoid.
Note: Associated with BMNH 28685.NHMUK (old BMNH) 28685: Anterior half of the right ilium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28686: Proximal half of the same ilium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28658: Left ischium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1019: A slightly smaller proximal phalangeal of the 4th digit of the left pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1020: A terminal phalanage of the one of the lateral digits of the pes.
Locality: Cuckfield, West Sussex County, England.Horizon: Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28660: A nearly complete right dentary.
Note: Figured by MANTELL, 1848, also OWEN, 1855.NHMUK (old BMNH) R1014: Cast of a proximal phalangeal of the second digit of the left pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1015: Cast of an imperfect phalangeal of the second digit.
Locality: Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 37688: An imperfect cervical vertebra.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 46014: Centrum of a caudal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R712c: An imperfect middle caudal vertebra of a very large individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 46016: Distal end of a left ischium.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 2553: Cast of the proximal phalangeal of the second digit of the left pes.
Locality: Brixton Bay, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R702: A cervical centrum.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R712b: An imperfect middle caudal.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R701: Distal extremity of the left tibia with an imperfect astragalus.
Locality: Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 28508: An imperfect cervical vertebra.
Locality: Potton, Bedfordshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon:
Age: Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 40412: A fragmentary proximal phalangeal of the 3rd digit of the pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 40434: 2nd phalangeal of the third digit of the pes of a very large individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 40422: Terminal phalangeal of the 3rd digit of the pes of a very large individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 40423: Terminal phalangeal of the 3rd digit of the pes of a small individual.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 40411: proximal phalangeal of the 4th digit of the left pes of a very large individual.
Locality: Knellsonte, Rivermore, Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) 46870-2: The distal portions of a right and left hind foot.
Locality: Hollington, Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.
Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1148: An associated right femur, proximal portion of right tibia and the 3rd right metatarsal, and 2 imperfect vertebrae provisionally referred to an immature individual.
SANZ, 1985
Locality: Masegosa, Cuenca Province, Spain.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Caudal vertebrae.
SANZ, CASANOVAS, & SANTAFE, 1984Locality: Santa Barbara, Galve, Teruel Province, Spain.
Age: Barremian-Aptian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
CSBH-12: Right terminal phalange of digit II.
CSBH-23: Right phalange of digit II.
= Iguanodon seelyi HULKE, 1882
Etymology: In honor of H. G. Seeley.
= Iguanodon seeleyi MOSELE, 1883 (sic)
= Iguanodon mantelli MEYER, 1832 (partim)
= Dollodon seelyi (HULKE, 1882) CARPENTER & ISHIDA, 2010Holotype:
Locality: Brook, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Right ilium, right femur, right tibia, right fibula, right humerus, and 3 caudal vertebrae.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1109: Left pes.
NHMUK (old BMNH) R1735: Cast of left ilium.
IWCMS.1997.55: Right dentary.
NHMUK R2505: Ilium.
NHMUK R2506: Left pes.
NHMUK R2510: Left humerus.
NHUMK R2511-13: Right pes.
= Delapparentia turolensis RUIZ-OMENACA, 2011
Etymology: In referece to the province of Teruel, Spain, where the specimen was found.
= Genus: Nova RUIZ-OMENACA, CANUDO & BARCO, 2004Holotype: MPT/1.G
Locality: La Maca 3, Galve, Teruel Province, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Upper Early Cretaceous.
Brackdown as follows.
MPT/1.G.446: Caudal v1.
MPT/1.G.447: Caudal v2.
MPT/1.G.448: Caudal v.3.
MPT/1.G.449: Caudal v4.
MPT/1.G 451: Caudal v6.
MPT/1.G 452: Caudal v7.
MPT/1.G 453: Caudal v8.
MPT/1.G 454-457: Caudals v9-12.
MPT/1.G 458: Caudal v13.
MPT/1.G 469-461: Caudals v14-16.
MPT/1.G 462: Caudal v17.
MPT/1.G 463: Caudal V.18.
MPT/1.G 470: Fragmentary cervical rib.
MPT/1.G 471: Fragmenary pubis.
MPT/1.G 472: Ilium.
MPT/1.G481: Fragmentary proximal ribs.
MPT/1.G488: Fragmentary ischium.
Referred material:
Locality: La Cantalera 2, Olite subbasin, Maestrazgo basin, Teruel Province, Spain.
Horizon: Lower Blesa Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Upper Early Cretaceous.
MPZ 2014/328: A left ischium.
Species: galvensis VERDU, ROYO-TORRES, COBOS & ALCALA, 2015
Etymology: In reference to Galve, the Spanish locality where the holotype was
Holotype: MAP-4787
Locality: SC-1, within the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Premaxilla, dentary, postorbital, quadrate, maxillary teeth, atlas arch, cervical remains, a sacral vertebra, ribs, coracoid, scapula, part of both pubis, part of both ischia, and a right femur of an adult.
SCH-10: Right dentary of a juvenile.
Referred material:
MAP-4788: Maxilla.
MAP-4789: A dorsal neural arich.
MAP-4790: Pollex.
Locality: SC-2, within the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MAP-4791-6004: Isolated and associated remains of perinates and embryonic individuals.
Locality: SC-3, within the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Juvenile basicranium.
Locality: SC-23, within the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Dentary of an adult.
Locality: SC-25, within the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Atlas intercentrum of a juvenile.
Locality: SC-4, western Maestrazgo Basin, Iberian Basin, Galve, Teruel Province, Aragon, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MAP-4676: Centrum of a middle caudal vertebra.
MAP-8494, MAP-8501, MAP-8518, and MAP-8519: Four almost complete cervical vertebrae
MAP-8495, MAP-8499: Two anterior dorsal vertebrae.
MAP-8496, MAP-8497: Two dorsal ribs.
MAP-8498: An almost complete right ischium.
MAP-8500: An almost complete caudal vertebra.
MAP-8504: The epiphysis of a tibia (?).
MAP-8505: A fragment of an ilium (?).
MAP-8511, MAP-8513: Two partial neural arches.
MAP-8515: A fragmented right ulna.
MAP-8516: A complete chevron.
MAP-8517: A partial left (?) scapula.
MAP-8520: A fragmented sternal.
MAP-8521: A proximal fragment of a left tibia.
MAP-8522: Several ossified tendons.
MAP-8523: A maxillary tooth.
MAP-6889, MAP-6893, MAP-8502, MAP-8503, MAP-8507, MAP-8514, MAP-8518, MAP-8519: Seven cervical ribs.
MAP-6899, MAP-6970, MAP-6972, MAP-8510: Four fragmented centra.
= Iguanodon cf. galvensis VERDU, ROYO-TORRES, COBOS & ALCALA, 2020 (published 2021)
Locality: Las Dehesillas site (DS1), Aliaga municapality, Teruel Province, Spain.
Horizon: Camarillas Formation.
Age: Lower Barremian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MAP-2078: Cerevical vertebra.
MAP-2061 to MAP-2067, MAP-2074, MAP-2075, MAP-2082: 10 dorsal vertebrae.
Note: MAP-2065, MAP-2064, MAP-2065 vertebrae are paleopathologic and are fused together.
MAP-2069: Cervical.
MAP-2068, MAP-2070, MAP-2071, MAP-2073, MAP-2076, MAP-2077, MAP-2083, MAP-2085, MAP-2089, MAP-2092: Dorsal ribs.
Numbers: Not given: Ossified tendons.