Species: coetzeei HAUGHTON, 1915
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Coetzee, the owner of the farm Kangnas, by whom the remains were first brought to Dr Rogers.
Holotype: SAM-2732
Locality: A well on the farm Kangnas, `...in a wide shallow valley leading to the Orange River at Henkries'. Koa River Valley, about 7.5 km south of Henkries Mond in the Little Bushmanland, and about 15 km south-west of Goodhouse, Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
Horizon: Kalahari Deposits.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
Material: A cheek tooth.
Referred material:
SAM-2731: Right femur.
SAM-2731a: Proximal end of right femur.
SAM-2731b: Distal end of right femur.
SAM-2731c: Distal end of left femur.
SAM-2731d: Proximal end of right femur.
SAM-2731e: Articulated distal left femur and proximal portion of tibia.
SAM-2731f: Four articulated caudal vertebrae.
SAM-2731g: Distal end of left metatarsal.
SAM-2731j: Distal portion of right tibia with articulated tarsus and proximal portion of metatarsus.