Genus: Leaellynasaura RICH & VICKERS-RICH, 1989
Etymology: “Leaellyn” in honor of Leaellyn Rich, A Victorian Schoolgirl who participated in the discovery, Greek, saura, " lizard."
= Leaellynasaurus HAUBOLD, 1990 (sic)

Species: amicagraphica RICH & VICKERS-RICH, 1989
Etymology: “Amica”, Latin for friend, graphica Latin for Writings Feminine. In Honor of the Friends of the museum of Victoria and the National Geographic Society, for their assistance with the work on the Cretaceous tetrapods of Victoria, Australia.

Holotype: NMVP185,991

Locality: Slippery Rock, Dinosaur Cove, Victoria State, Australia.

Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.


Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Almost complete and disarticulated skull with cranium.

A), B), Type; C) NMV P179561; D) NMV P185980; E) NMV P179564.

Note: The following three all belong to the holotype (RICH, GALTON & VICKERS-RICH, 2010)

NMV P185990: Left and right nasals, prefrontals, frontals, and parietals.

NMV P185992: Articulated proximal caudal vertebrae, plus approximately the distal seven eighths of the femur, the proximal three-fourths of the tibia and fibula, and 2 articulated digits, one with 2 and the other with 3 phalanges in articulation.

NMV P185993: Articulated distal caudal vertebrae.

Referred material:

Locality: Dinosaur Cove East, Victoria State, Australia.

Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.


Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

NMV P179561: Right femur slightly crushed.

NMV P179564: Left femur slightly crushed, condyles missing.

NMV P182968: Right femur crushed and missing head, proximal part of the lesser trochanter, and distal tip of fourth trochanter.

NMV P185980: Right femur missing head, proximal tip of lesser trochanter and medial condyle.

NMV 185876, 185976 : Femurs.


NMV 185995, 185999, 186333: Femurs.


Locality: Dinosaur Cove West, Victoria State, Australia.

Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.


Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


NMV P181681: Crushed left femur missing internal condyle, fourth and lesser trochanters.