Genus: Lesothosaurus GALTON, 1978
Etymology: In reference to Lesotho, South Africa and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “Lesotho
= Strombergia BUTLER, 2005
Etymology: In reference to the Stormberg Group of South Africa adn Lesotho,
the rock sequence that has proviced so much information on early dinosaurs.
Species: diagnosticus GALTON, 1978
Etymology: With reference to the fact that this species provided the original
recognition and diagnosis of the family Fabrosauridae (GALTON, 1971).
= Fabrosaurus australis THULBORN, 1970 non GINSBURG, 1964
= Lesothosaurus australis NORMAN, 1985 (sic)
Syntype: BMNH RUB(UCL B) 17
Locality: Northern flank of Likhoel Mountain, near the settlement of Mafeteng in western Lesotho, about 40 miles south-south-west of Maseru, the capital, Southern Africa.
Horizon: Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: Three large blocks and numerous small pieces of matrix containing many cranial and post-cranial bones. At least 2 individuals.
A) Skull after Weishampel, 1984; B) Crompton & Attride, 1986.
After Norman, 1984/Thulborn, 1970.
Locality: Hillside exposure, between Fort Hartley and Cutting Camp in south-west Lesotho, some 75 miles south of Maseru, Southern Africa.
Horizon: Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: A well-preserved and slightly crushed skull with parts of both mandibular rami.
BMNH R11956
Locality: Likhoele, near Mapheteng, Lesotho, Southern Africa.
Horizon: Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: Partial skull.
Referred material:
Locality: Aushan Grey (formely part of the farm Landkloof 73), 28°35'25.6", E 28°03'0.56", Fouriesberg District, Free State Province, South Africa.
Horizon: Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
BP/1/6580: Surangular.
BP/1/6581: Fragmentary skull.
BP/1/6582: 5 dorsal, 2 sacral vertebrae, a ?dorsal neural spoine, 2 partial dorsal ribs, a left coracoid, both scapulae, a right humerus and ulna, a partial left ilium, the porximal end of a right ischium and a left femur.
BP/1/6583: Partial left scapula.
KNOLL, 2002
Locality: Masitise (or Masitisi), situated between Alwynskop and Moyeni (Quthing), Lesotho, Southern Africa.
Horizon: Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
MNHN LES 17: Skull missing the tip and tip of the dentary.
Note: Possible belonging to Strombergia (BUTLER, 2005)
KNOLL, 2002
Locality: Unknown, Lesotho, Southern Africa.
Horizon: Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
MNHN LES 18: Fragmentary skull.
Note: Possible belonging to Strombergia (BUTLER, 2005)
Locality: Likhoele Mountains in Lesotho, the site of Ginsburg's original discovery of fabrosaurid remains (UCL B.17), Southern Africa.
Horizon: Upper Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
SAM-K400: 1 dorsal centrum, 2 dorsal neural arches, 1 partial sacral centrum, 7 centra, indeterminate region, 2 neural arches, indeterminate region, right radius, left ilium, partial pubes, left femur, 4th metatarsal and 1 phalanx.
SAM-K401: 2 partial cervical neural arches, 9 dorsal centra, 7 dorsal neural arches, 3 sacral centra (plus 4 sacral ribs), 9 caudal centra, 4 sacral arches, 3 caudal neural arches, right ilium, 2 proximal ischia, left pubis missing prepubic process, proximal end of a left tibia, distal end of right fibula, right metatarsals 2-4, 12 right phalanges.
Number: Not given: 1 large right ilium.
Number: Not given: 1 small right ilium.
Locality: Dangershoek, Lesotho, Southern Africa.Horizon: Upper Red Beds of the Stormberg Series, Upper Elliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
SAM-K1106: 3 cervical centra, 3 cervical neural arches (one in matrix attached to humerus), 8 dorsal centra, 4 dorsal neural arches, 2 sacral centra, 18 caudal centra, 2 scapula and coracoids, left humerus, partial right humerus, left radius, left ulna, right posterior ilium, left prepubic process, proximal ischia, distal shaft of left femur, proximal end of left femur, right tibia, proximal end of left tibia, right fibula, right astragalus, right calcaneum, right distal tarsal, right metatarsals 1-4, 14 right phalanges, miscellaneous centra, neural arches and ribs in matrix.
SERENO, 1991
BMNH R8501: A nearly complete, disarticulated skull.
BMNH R11002: Right ilium.
BMNH R11003: Left ilium.
Note: May belong to a heterodontosaurid (BUTLER, 2005)
BMNH R11004: Partially disarticulated posterior skull and anterior neck, including the braincase, parietals, right squamosal, right quadrate, right posterior lower jaw, axis, and 3rd cervical.
SAM unnumbered: Right maxilla with complete tooth row.
MNHN unnumbered: Articulated cranium.
BP/1/4731: Right ilium.
BP/1/4945: Partial right ilium, proximal humerus and partial femur.
= Strombergia dangershoeki BUTLER, 2005
Etymology: In renference to Dangershoek Farm, Herschel District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, the locality from which the holotype was collected.Holotype: SAM-PK-K1105
Locality: Dangershoek Farm, Herschel District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Horizon: 'Red Beds', Upper Ellliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: A partial postcranial skeleotn, including the axial neural arch, cervical neural arches and centra, dorsal neural arches and centra, 2 sacral neural arches and sacral ribs, caudal vertebrae, coracoids, fragmentary humeri, left radius and ulna, left ischium, proximal right ischium, pubes, femora, tibiae, tarsals, metatarsals, and numerous disarticulated phalangeal elements.
BMNH R11000
Locality: Pokane, Lesotho, Southern Africa.
Horizon: 'Red Beds', Upper Ellliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: Partial postcranial skeleton, including a dorsal neural arch, complete proximal caudal vertebra, right scapulocoracoid, left ilium, right ischium, proximal left femur, distal left tibia and partial right fibula.
Referred material:
cf. Stormbergia & Lesothosaurus
BUTLER, 2005
Locality: Spitskop Farm, Jamestown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Horizon: 'Red Beds', Upper Ellliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
NM QR 3076: Nearly complete, partially articualted adult, including skull fragments.
Note: Some of the material belongs to sauropodomorph.
Locality: Mequatling, Clocoln District, Free (Orange Free) State, South Africa.
Horizon: 'Red Beds', Upper Ellliot Formation.
Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
BP/1/4885: Fragmentary skeleton of a juvenile.