Genus: Mantellodon PAUL, 2011
Etymology: The holotype has long been known as Gideon Algernon Mantell's "Mantel-piece", and Greek, odon, "tooth."
Species: carpenteri PAUL,
Etymology: In honor of Kenneth Carpenter's work on dinosaurs including iguanodonts.
= Iguanodon mantelli HULKE, 1882 (Type of I.
= MANTELL, 1834 = Mantell’s “Mantel-Piece”
Holotype: NHMUK R3741
Locality: Kentish Rag, near Maidstone, Kent County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Hyteh Beds, Lower Greensand Formation.
Age: Aptian/Albian Stage, Early Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: 1 unworn tooth, 2 femora, tibia and fibula, several metatarsals, and phalanges, unguals, several caudal and dorsal vertebrae, fragments of ribs, clavicle, fragment of teeth, and fragmentary bones.