Genus: Mochlodon SEELEY, 1881
Etymology: Greek, mochlos “bar, leaver” and Greek, odon, "tooth": Barred tooth.
= Machlodon GLUT, 1972 (sic)
= Oligosaurus SEELEY, 1881 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, oligos, "small, little, few," and Greek, sauros, "lizard": Small lizard.
= Rhadinosaurus SEELEY, 1881 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, rhadinos, “slender” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “slender lizard”.

Species: suessi (BUNZEL, 1871) SEELEY, 1881
= Iguanodon suessi BUNZEL, 1871
Etymology: In honor of Eduard Suess.
= Rhabdodon robustum var suessi NOPCSA, 1915
= Rhabdodon suessi (BUNZEL, 1871) STEEL, 1969

Lectotype: University of Vienna, PIUW 2349/2

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Right dentary with teeth.

Paralectotype: PIUW unnumbered: ?Mid-caudal centra.

Note: All the material referred to this genus from the same locality are juvenile.

Mochlodon suessi = Mochlodon (modified from NOPCSA, 1902)

Referred material:


PIUW 2340/3: Dentary tooth.

PIUW 2349/4: Maxillary tooth.

PIUW 3517: Fragmentary ?radius.

PIUW 2348/35: Fragmentary right tiba.


McINTOSH, 1981

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CM 965: Cast of two teeth.


SEELEY, 1881

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


PIUW 2349/3: Parietal.


= Iguanodon sp (mantelli) BUNZEL, 1871

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given: Tooth and fragmentary ilium.


= Rhadinosaurus alcimus SEELEY, 1881 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor the Greek Mythology name Alcimus.
= Struthiosaurus alcimus (SEELEY, 1881) KUHN, 1964 (nomen dubium)
= Struthiosaurus alcinus KUHN, 1964 (sic)
= Rhadinosaurus alcinus KUHN, 1964 (sic)

Holotype: University of Vienna

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Femora, humeri and dorsal vertebrae.


= Oligosaurus adelus SEELEY, 1881 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, adelos, "concealed."

Holotype: University of Vienna.

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


PIUW numbers not given: Humerus, and 2 vertebrae.

PIUW 3518: Fragmentary left scapula.

PIUW 2349/3: Fragmentary left femur.


= Ornithomerus gracilis SEELEY, 1881 (nomen dubium) (juvenile)
Etymology: Latin, gracilis, "slender."

Holotype: University of Vienna.

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary femur and rib.


= Mochlodon NOPCSA, 1904

Locality: Konstantin mining tunnel, Felbering Mine, Muthmannsdorf, near Wiener-Neustadt, Niederostereich, approximately 45 km south of Vienna, Lower Austria.

Horizon: Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group.

Note: Marine deposit.


Age: Lower Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


Example A: Right quadrate, predentary, left dentary, left nasal.

Example B: Frontals.

Example D: Right dentary.

Example G: Predentary, right intermaxilla.

Number: Not given: Skull fragments.


Species: vorosi OSI, PRONDVAI, BUTLER & WEISHAMPEL, 2012
Etymology: In honor of Dr. Attila Voros, palaeontologist and full member of the Hungarian Acadaemy of Sciences who founded the Paleontological Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Holotype: MTM V 2010.105.1

Locality: Iharkut, Veszprem County, Bakony Mountains, Transdanubian Range, western Hungary.

Horizon: Csehbanya Formation.


Age: Santonian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Left complete dentary with four broken teeth.

Referred material:

MTM V 01.53, V 2010.122.1, 2010.123.1: 3 coracoids.

MTV V 01.101, 2012.26.1: 2 fragmentary tibae.

MTM V 01.255, V 2010.126.1: 2 almost complete femora.

MTM 2000.01, 2000.32, 2000.33, 2003.10, 01.161, 2003.14, 2000.16, 01.64, 2012.17.1, 2021.18.1: 15 maxillary and 23 dentary teeth.

MTM V 2010.105.1, 2012.15.1: 2 left dentaries.

MTM V 2010.106.1, 2010, 2010 107.1, 2010 108.1, 2010 109.1, 2010.112.1, 2021.16.1: 6 fragmentary dentaries.

MTM V 2010.107.1: 2 right dentaries.

MTM V 2010.110.1, 2010.111.1: 2 right quadrates.

MTM V 2010.121.1: Almost complete but compressed sacrum.

MTM V 201o.127.1: Complete tibia.

MTM 2012.20.1, 2012.21.1: Caudale veertebrae.

MTM V 2010.118.1: Dorsal vertebra.

MTM V 2010.128.1: Complete humerus.

MTM 2012.14.1: Left postorbital.

MTM 2012.22.1: Fragmentary scapula.

MTM 2012.23.1: Fragmentary humerus.

MTM 2012.19.1: Isolated cervical vertebra.

MTM 2012.24.1: Complete ulna.

MTM 2012.25.1: Fragmentary femur.

MTM 2012.27.1, 2012.28.1: 2 phalanges.