Species: cerorhynchus (BROWN & SCHLAIKJER, 1942) STERNBERG, 1951
Etymology: Greek, keras, "horn" and Greek, rhynchos, "muzzle, snout."
= Leptoceratops cerorhynchus BROWN & SCHLAIKJER, 1942
Holotype: AMNH 5464
Locality: Near Buffalo Lake, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Glacier County, Montana.
Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.
Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Portions of skull and jaws with most of the post-cranial skeleton.
Reconstruction of the skull.
Montanoceratops cerorhynchus (after RYAN, EVANS, CURRIE, BROWN, & BRINKMAN, 2012) Holotype: AMNH 5464.
Referred material:
Locality: Little Rocky Coulee, north of Cutbank, on the property of the Hutterite Big Sky colony, Montana.
Note: MOR 542 is believed to be located within a few meters from the holotype locality.Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.
Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MOR 542: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton of a juvenile.
MAKOVICKEY, 2001Locality: East bank of the Red Deer River, 3.5 miles below Tolman Ferry, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Lower Edmonton Formation), Edmonton Group.
Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5244: Partial neoceratopsian braincase preserving the supraoccipital, both opisthotic-exoccipitals, the basioccipital, basisphenoid, both laterosphenoids, and parts of the fused parietals.
RYAN & CURRIE, 1998Locality: Near the town of Cowley, southern Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Belly River Group, exact formation unknown.
Age: Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 82.11.1: Articulated specimen lacking skull.