Genus: Naashoibitosaurus HUNT & LUCAS, 1993
Etymology: Derives from the Naashoibito member of the Kirkland Formation, Greek, sauros, "lizard."
This word is composed of a complex Navajo place-name word and Navajo, na'ashó'ii "snake(s), reptile(s)" + bi- "its" + to "water (any type of body of water)" + Greek combining vowel -o- + Greek sauros "lizard." As you can see Naashoibito is a place name wherein there is water that the snakes or reptiles "possess" or occupy (Naashoi-bi-to).

Species: ostromi HUNT & LUCAS, 1993
Etymology: In honor of John Ostrom.

Holotype: NMMNH P16106 (NMMNH P-1041)

Locality: San Juan Basin, New Mexico.

Horizon: De-na-zin Member (not Naashoibito Member), Lower Kirtland Formation.


Age: Kirtlandian age, Upper Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMMNH P16106: Fragmentary skull.
Note: Paleopathology, extensive healed scars of the posterior skull roof (HORNER, 1992).

NMMNH P-1041: Left and right jugals, dentary teeth, right jugal, left quadrate, left and right maxillae, and right humerus.