Genus: Nanningosaurus MO, ZHAO, WANG & XU, 2007
Etymology: In reference to the fossil-producing Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuan Autonomous
Region, Southern China and Greek, sauros,
Species: dashiensis MO, ZHAO, WANG & XU, 2007
Etymology: Chinese Pinyin, dashi, "big stone," after the name of the village where
the specimens were excavated.
Holotype: NMG8142
Locality: Dashi Village, suburb of Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuan Autonomous Region, Southern China.
Age: Late Cretaceous.
Material: Disarticulated partial skeleton including relatively complete right and left maxillae, left dentary, left squamosal, lower portion of right quadrate, incomplete basioccipital, one isolated dentary tooth, one cervical vertebra, incomplete left scapula, incomplete left and right humeri, relatively complete left ischium, complete left femur and tibiae.
NMG8143: Relatively complete right maxilla.