Genus: Nevadadromeus BONDE, HALL, KRUMENACKER & VARRICCHO, 2022
Etymology: In reference to the State of Nevada, where the specimen was found and Greek, dromeus, "runner."

Species: schmitti BONDE, HALL, KRUMENACKER & VARRICCHO, 2022
Etymology: In honor of geologist James G. Schmitt who, along with his graduate students through the years, did the original thorough descritption of the Willow Tank Formation geology, as well as the geology of many units across the state of Nevada. It is also personal conversations wiht Jim that inspired DJV and JB to pursue the Willow Tank Formation for fossils over two decades ago.

Holotype: NSC 2008-002

Locality: Valley of Fire State Park, Clark County, Southern Nevada.

Horizon: Very Base of the Willow Tank Formation.


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Late Gallic Subeopch, Early Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Proximal left femur, proximla right femur, 5 comlpete vertebral centra, 3 pedal unguals, t complete pecal phalanges, and as yet unidentifed fragmtns, and fragmetns of ossified tendons.

Nevadradromeus schmitti right femur: A), Anterior; B) Posterior; C) Medial; and D) proximal views (after BONDE, HALL, KRUMENACKER & VARRICCHO, 2022).

Nevadradromeus schmitti 4 centra (after BONDE, HALL, KRUMENACKER & VARRICCHO, 2022).

Nevadradromeus schmitti pedal phalanges (after BONDE, HALL, KRUMENACKER & VARRICCHO, 2022).