Genus: Pachyrhinosaurus STERNBERG, 1950
Etymology: Greek, pachys, “thick”, Greek, rhin- “nose” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “thick-nose lizard”.

Species: canadensis STERNBERG, 1950
Etymology: In reference to the country of Canada where the specimen was found.

Holotype: NMC 8867

Locality: Near centrae of SW 1/4, sec. 24, T14, R23, W 4th mer, on the north side of the Little Bow River Valley, near Carmangay, Lethbridge County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary skull lacking rostrum and incomplete posteriorly

Paratype: NMC 8866: Anterior part of skull with right lower jaw but lacking beak.

Referred material:


Locality: Southwest corner of legal subdivision 6, sec. 10, tp 30, range 21, west side of the 4th meridian, close to the mouth of a dry lateral tributary on the east side of Red Deer River, 1.5 miles south of the Munson Ferry, near Bleriort Ferry, Drumheller, Wheatland County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


Drumheller and District Museum Society Museum: Nearly complete skull lacking frill and dentary.

Note: Both quadrates of this specimen were found. (RYAN, BELL & EBERTH, 1995).

Note: More of the skeleton was found by the RTMP (TANKE, 2006). RTMP93.29.4: Articular ends of both quadrates, squamosal fragments, and part of a distal jugal with about 65% of an attached epijugal.

RTMP 98.25.90: Femur.
Note: With a tyrannosaur tooth embedded?

RTMP 84.25.32: Cervical vertebra.

Number: Not given: Fragmentary skull pieces and skeletal remains.



Locality: Scabby Butte Site 1, about 100 feet north of the south linage SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 18, Lethbridge County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.


Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMC 8860: Nasofrontal boss, part of rostrum, and fragments possibly composite.

Locality: Scabby Butte Site 2, on the westerly escarpment in SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 18, Lethbridge County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.


Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMC 9485: Skull, lacking cheek bones and frill.

NMC 10663: Skull, lacking cheek bones, frill, and side of face.

NMC 10664: Right lachrymal.

NMC 10646: Left quadratojugal and part of attached jugal.

NMC 9610: Left quadrate.

NMC 9594: Incomplete left squamosal.

NMC 10665: Skull fragments of uncertain position.

NMC 10666: Skull fragments of uncertain position.

NMC 10667: Tooth.

NMC 10643: Right dentary.

NMC 10629: Left surangular.

NMC 9602: Fragment of frill.

A) NMC 8863; B) NMC 10644.

NMC 10644: Portion of frill.

NMC 8863: Frill spike.

NMC 9600, 10630-10633: Vertebrae.

NMC 9719, 10635-10639: Dorsal ribs.

NMC 9721: Right scapula.

NMC 9722: Left scapula.

NMC 10640: Right humerus.

NMC 10641: Right femur.

NMC 9583: Right tibia.

NMC 10642: Distal end of fibula.


Locality: Scabby Butte Site 6, Lethbridge County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.


Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMC 10645: Fragmentary skull and lower jaw.

NMC 21863, 10669: Fragmentary cranial bosses and other skull parts.


TANKE, 2006

Locality: Rosdale, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


In situ: An adult and badly shattred skull.


Locality: Cambria, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Edmonton Group.


Age: Edmontonian age, lower Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 1999.63.12: Part of a nasal boss.
Note: The rest of the specimen was left in situ.


TANKE, 2007

Locality: Scabby Butte Site 1, Lethbridge County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: St. Mary River Formation.


Age: Edmontonian age, Upper Campanian Stage- Lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 82.51.1: Posterior half an adult nasal boss.


Species: lakustai CURRIE, LANGSTON & TANKE, 2008
Etymology: In honor of Al Lakusta, who discovered and reported the bone bed.

Holotype: RTMP 1986.55.258

Locality: Pachyrhinosaurus bone bed, East bank of Pipestone Creek (10 meters above water level, 19 km southwest of Grande Prairie, West of Edmonton, Grande Prairie County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Wapiti Formation.


Age: Late Campanian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary skull. "Cybill"
Note: From a bonebed. Some skulls have a concave boss others a convex and a juvenile with both.

Referred material:

RTMP 1988.55.918: Fragmentary skull.

RTMP 1985.112.110, 1989.55.53, 1989.55.191, 1989.55.728, 1989.55.958, 1989.55.1240: Right nasals.


RTMP 88.55.80: Sub adult nasal horn.

TANKE & FARKE, 2003, 2006

RTMP 1989.55.1234: Skull with squamosals, but missing palate, distal jugals, quadrates, quadratojuals, and parietal. "Tara".
Note: Palaeopathology, left side of skull has a large circular penetrating lesion, 4 POLs, left squamosal, resorption zone, left squamosal, raised protuberance, left maxilla.

TANKE, 2004

RTMP 2001.1.111: Partial skull.

GPRC/RH/ Partial skull.

My original illusration of the skull.

Pachyrhinosaurus bone bed I drew for Darren Tanke decades ago.

TANKE, 2007

RTMP 1985.112.1: Skull roof, orbital and nasal boss.

RTMP 1986.55.29: Dorsal rib.

RTMP 1986.55.111: Fragmentary skull.
Note: Has a smool, flattened lobe of bone on the antero-ventrla edge of the left squamosal, possible from an injury.

RTMP 87.55.285: Fragmentary skulls.

RTMP 1986.55.206: Nasal boss.

RTMP 87.55.141: Posterior section of frill.

RTMP 1987.55.156: Good skull, missing rostrum, palate, distal jugals, quadrats, quadratojuals, distal exoccipitals, parietal, and both squamosals.

RTMP 1987.55.196: Skull roof.

RTMP 1987.55.199: Snout region, rostrum, right premaxilla, anterior half of nasal boss, ventro-posterior left premaxilla missing. "Stephine".

RTMP 87.55.285: Complete front half of skull, anterior orbit margin to rostrum. "Bertha".

RTMP 87.55.304: Dorso-ventrally crushed skull. "Ashley".

RTMP 87.55.320: Rostrum back to both postorbitals to maxillae or braincase, distal jugal missing.

RTMP 1989.55.188: Skull, left side with complete jugal, squamosal, exoccipital. Right side missing distal exoccipital, jugal, squamosal, both quadrato and quadratojuals missing. "Louise".
Note: Pathology, the right tip of the rostrum has been lost on both sides.

RTMP 1989.55.427: Skull roof with nasals and orbital boss. "Zemona".

RTMP 2002.29.1: Nearly complete skull “Patty”.


RMTP 86.55.304: Jugal with relatively smooth-floored cicular depressions, pathologic?

RTMP 87.55.101: Quadrate with three anomalies, pathologic.

RTMP 89.55.1072: Quadrate with two pathologies; a circular depression on the articulating surface and has a crack that runs diagonally between the two distal condyles.

RTMP 89.55.883: Parietal bar of an adult that is pathologic.

RMTP 88.55.90, 89.55.125: Two subadult parietals with pathologies.


RTMP 1987.55.258: Fragment of a parietal.

RTMP 1987.55.232: Fragment of a parietal.

RTMP 1987.55.210: Parietal lacks left p3 frill spike; it suffered massive fracture injuries and unusual post-trauma healing.
Note: Pathologic (I discovered this specimen, :) )

RTMP 89.55.1085: Parietal has two pathologic P3 frilll spike.


RTMP 89.55.1503: Possible pathologic frill with irregular right P3 frill spike.

RTMP 1989.55.1241: Parietal.

RTMP 1987.55.164: Parietal

RTMP 1986.55.113: Parietal

RTMP 1989.55.1144: Parietal.

RTMP 1986.55.239: Parietal.

RTMP 1986.55.261: Parietal.

RTMP 1988.55.46: Parietal

RTMP 1986.55.48: Nasal of a baby.

RTMP 1988.55.80: Nasal.

RTMP 1987.55.161: Nasal.

RTMP 1989.55.256: Nasal.

RTMP 1989.55.1342: Nasal.

RTMP 1986.55.193: Lateral rami of parietal.

RTMP 1983.55.15: Lateral rami of parietal.

RTMP 1989.55.130: Lateral rami of parietal.

RTMP 1986.55.157: Fragmentary parietal.
Note: "Monoclonius"-like.

RTMP 1989.55.399: Fragmentary parietal.
Note: "Monoclonius"-like.

RTMP 1987.55.258: Fragmentary parietal.
Note: "Monoclonius"-like.

RTMP 1989.55.757: Fragmentary parietal.
Note: "Monoclonius"-like.

RTMP 89.55.978: Pathologic isolated cervical neural arch wiht the right prezygapophysis misshapen and several concentric folds of ridges occuring external to the zygapophyses on the dorsal side of the transverse process. Disease-related.

RMTP 88.55.52: Pathologic a reduced and malformed zygapophysis, but also has deep pitting on the centrum endplate. Disease-related.

RTMP 85.112.52, 89.55.719: Broken and healed ribs.

RTMP 89.55.464: Juvenile left dorsal rib.

RTMP 88.55.191, 89.55.389, 89.55.1481: Ribs with callus.

RTMP 87.55.90: Rib with pseudoarthrosis.

RTMP 89.55.205, 89.55.801: Non-infectious breaks imperfectly healed and forming pseudoarthroses.

RTMP 89.55.363: Proximal caudal with osteopathy.

RTMP 89.55.287: Mid-caudal wiht osteopathy.

RTMP 87.55.102: 4 fused caudal vertebrae.

RTMP 87.55.190: Left scapula with two smooth, low rounded co-joinged calluses on the thickened ridge (scapualr spine) that bisects the scapualr blade.

RTMP 85.112.70: Mild stress fracture on a phalange.

RTMP 67.19.85: Phalange with severe form of a stress fracture.


Species: perotorum FIORILLO & TYKOSKI, 2012
Etymology: In recongnition of members of the Perot family (Margot and H. Ross Perot and thier children), who demonstrated a long history of supporting science and science education for the public.
= Species: Nova FIORILLO & GANGLOFF, 2003

Holotype: DMNH 21200

Locality: Kikak-Tegoseak Bonebed, Colville River, North Slope, Alaska.

Note: Exact coordinates on file at the Museum of nature and Science, Dallas, for qualified researchers.

Horizon: Prince Creek Formation.


Age: Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Posterior part fo parietal including partial median bar, posterior median emargination, and autapomorphic anterior-facing horns.



DMNH 22558: Fragmentary skull.

Note: Paleopathology on the skull (lesion on the boss), FIORILLO Y TYKOSKI, 2022.

DMNH 21201: A short segament of right parietal transverse bar bearing an anterior rim horn.

Referred material:


DMNH 21460: Fragmentary nasal horn of a juvenle.

Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum (modified from FIORILLO & TYKOSKI, 2013), DMNH 21460.


DMNH 22378: Incomplete mid to distal cuadla vertebra.

Note: Pathologic.

DMNH 25551: Nerly complete metacapral V.

Note: Pathologic.

DMNH 25676: Right tibia and fused distal end of right fibula.

Note; Pathologic.


DMNH 22194: A partial braincase.

DMNH 24803: A partial skull lacking much of the left side of the skull ane the parietal-squamosal frill.

Note: Paleopathology on the skull (lesion on the boss), FIORILLO Y TYKOSKI, 2022.

DMNH 24252: A partial skull consisting mainly of the dorsal surface of the skull from near the rostrum tip to the supraorbital buttress.

Note: Paleopathology on the skull (lesion on the boss), FIORILLO Y TYKOSKI, 2022.

DMNH 24335: A partial skull consisting of a transversely broken section throught the rostrum between the orbits and the naris.

DMNH 22196: A large, horn-shaped parietal process.

DMNH 21689: A section of transverse parietal bar with yet-to-be-identified processes.

DMNH 24182: A partial transverse parietal bar including a large epiparietal 3 horn and an associated epiparietal 2 horn.

DMNH 21206: A partial parietl including an epiparietal 3 horn, section of transverse parietal bar, and lateral ramus.



Locality: Clam Gultch, Colville River, North Slope, Alaska.

Note: Exact coordinates on file at the Museum of nature and Science, Dallas, for qualified researchers.

Horizon: Prince Creek Formation.


Age: Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


DMNH 24618: Articular end of a right quadrate.

Note: Paleopathologic.

DMNH 21452: Pathologic bone.