Genus: Planicoxa DiCROCE & CARPENTER, 2001
Etymology: Latin, plani, "flat or level," and Latin, coxa, feminine noun for "hip": Planicoxa refers to the flat appearance of the ilium, the defiining characteristic.

Species: venenica DiCROCE & CARPENTER, 2001
Eytmology: Latin, venenica, "posion"; in reference to the Poision Strip Sandstone Member of the Cedar Mountina Formation, where the discovery was made.

Holotype: DMNH 42504

Locality: Excat locality data is on file at DMNH, Tony’s Bone Bed, Grand County, Utah.

Horizon: Poison Strip Member, Middle Cedar Mountain Formation.


Age: Cashenranchian age, Aptian-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left ilium.


DMNH 42511: 1 cervical neural arch.

DMNH 43516, 42518-42522, 42524: 7 dorsal vertebral arches.

DMNH 42513, 42515, 42525: 3 dorsal centra.

DMNH 42523, 42526, 42527: 3 dorsal rib fragments.

DMNH 42510: 1 sacral vertebra.

DMNH 42514, 42517 : 2 caudal centra.

DMNN 42508: Proximal end of left humerus.

DMNH 42507: Left ulna.

DMNH 42505: Left femur.

DMNH 40917: Right femur.

DMNH 40914, 40918: 2 right tibiae.

DMNH 42506: Distal end of left tiba.

DMNH 42509: Left metatarsal II.

DMNH 42512: Pedal phalanx.