Species: bergei
Etymology: In memory of Sam Berge, co-owner of the land where the specimen was
discovered, and friend and relative of many members of the Rudyard, Montana
Community, who have supported paleontologic reserach for decades.
Holotype: MOR 2919
Locality: MOR locality JR-518 ("Superduck"), Private land north of Rudyard, Hill County, Montana.
Horizon: Judith River Formation. Stratigrahpically equivalent to Unit 1 of the Oldman Formation of Alberta.
Age: Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Right fragmentary premaxilla, both maxillae, left jugal, patial right lacrimal, left posterior nasal, partial mid-region of right nasal, articulated braincase (with articulated frontals, parietal, postorbitals, and exoccipitals), both squamosals, both quadrates, predentary, both dentaries, and right surangular, atlas fragments, at least 10 other cervical vertebrae, 11 dorsal vertebrae, 29 caudal vertebrae, 19 chevrons, approximatley 19 ribs, both ilia, both pubes, both ischia, both tibiae, both fibulae, both astragali, right metatarsal II, and right metatarsal IV.
Probrachylophosaurus bergei modified from FOWLER, & HORNER, 2015.
Referred material:
Locality: State-owned land less than 1 km east of MOR 2919, Hill County, Montana.
Horizon: Judith River Formation. Stratigrahpically equivalent to Unit 1 of the Oldman Formation of Alberta.
Age: Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MOR 1097: Right posterior nasal crest, right jugal, left coronoid process of dentary, dentary tooht rows, maxilla tooth rows, partial left prefrontal, and dorsal and ventral condyles of right quadrate.
UCMP 137272: Left tibia.
UCMP 156955: right fibula.
UCMP 172484: Right ilium, and left astragalus..
UCMP 399999: Right metatarsal.
UCMP 400000: Caudal vertebra.