Genus: Ratchasimasaurus SHIBATA, JINTASAKUL & AZUMA, 2011
Etymology: "Ratchasim" is a short name of the city of Nakhorn Ratchasima, NE Thailand and Greek, sauros, 'lizard'.

Species: suranareae SHIBATA, JINTASAKUL & AZUMA, 2011
Etymology: "suranareae" comes from a heroine Thao Suranaree, Thailand who saved the city of Nakhon Ratchasima from the rebel army in the 19th century.

Holotype: NRRU-A2064

Locality: Khok Kruat Subdistrict, Muan Kakhon Ratchasima, Nakhon Ratasima Province, NE Thailand.

Horizon: Khok Kruat Formation.


Age: Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: A complete left dentary with no teeth.