Genus: Sasayamagnomus TANKA, CHIBA, IKEDA & RYAN, 2024
Etymology: In reference to teh Sasayama Basin, Tambasasayama City, where the specimens were recovered, and Latin, gnomus, "gnome"; in reference to the European folklore as a small humanoid spirit who lives underground and guards treasure hidden in the earth.

Species: saegusai TANKA, CHIBA, IKEDA & RYAN, 2024
Etymology: In honor of the late Dr Haru Saegusa, who spearheaded the dinosaur excavation project in the Tamba area and made a significant contribution to vertebrate palaeontology in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.

Holotype: MNHAH D1-060516

Locality: The Miyada microvertebrate site, Sasayama Basin of Tambasasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture, Honshu Island, southwestern Japan.

Horizon: Ohyamashimo Formation.


Age: Early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left lacrimal, left jugal, left quadrate, left quadratojugal and left squamosal.

Sasayamagnomus saegusai modified from TANKA, CHIBA, IKEDA & RYAN, 2024.

Referred material:

MNHAH D1-060517: Right premaxilla.

MNHAH D1-060518: Left premaxillary tooth.

MNHAH D1-060519: Rostroventral part of the left maxilla.

MNHAH D1-060520: Right nasal.

MNHAH D1-060521: Right nasal.

MNHAH D1-060522: Left frontal.

MNHAH D1-060523: Left palatine?

MNHAH D1-060524: Left surangular.

MNHAH D1-060525: Caudal part of the left angular.

MNHAH D1-060526: Right angular.

MNHAH D1-060527: Left coracoid.

MNHAH D1-060528: Left tibia.