Genus: Theiophytalia BRILL & CARPENTER, 2006
Etymology: Greek, theios, "belonging to the gods" and Greek, phytalia, "garden."
Species: kerri BRILL & CARPENTER, 2006
Etymology: In honor of James Hutchison Kerr, who discovered the specimen.
= Camptonotus amplus MARSH, 1879
Etymology: Latin, amplus, "large."
= Camptosaurus amplus (MARSH, 1879)
Note: The type material probably belongs to a theropod.
Holotype: YPM 1887
Locality: Garden of the Gods Park, El Paso County, Colorado.
Horizon: Lower Lytle Member, Purgatoire Formation, Dakota Group.
Age: Aptian-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material; 2 unarticulated segments containing bones from the left side of the skull. The first section consists of facial bones including the premaxilla, maxilla, nasal, lacrimal, prefrontal, palpebral (detached), and fragments of the frontal. The second consists of an anterior fragment of the dentary with 2 parital teeth, the surangular, angular, quadrate, quadratojugal, partial jugal, a fragment of the maxilla, prearticular, articular, pteryogoid, coronoid, spenial and a disarticulated hyoid.