Species: tardabilis NESOV & KAZHNSHKINA, 1989
Etymology: Latin, tardabilis, "that renders slow."
Holotype: CCMGE (TsNIGR number #) 251/12457
Locality: CBI-27, Navoi Viloyat (district), central Kyzylkum Desert, Dzharakuduk, Uzebekistan.
Horizon: Lower section of the Bissekt Formation, (Bissektiyskaya Svita).
Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, or Coniacian Stage, Lowermost Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.
Material: Left maxilla with teeth, and anterior, dorsal and posterior portions broken away.
Skull after Nesov, 1995.
Referred material:
628: Braincase.
717-718: Squamosal.
723: Medial bridge of the frill.
CCMGE 252/12457:
CCMGE 253/12457:
CCMGE 254/12457: Horn core.
CCMGE 255/12457: Predentary.
CCMGE 256/12457:
CCMGE 310/351: Teeth, the medial portion of the parietal, squamosals, nasal and supraorbital horn cores, braincase, vertebrae and probable distal portion of a scapula.
CCMGE 9/3760: Distal end of left humerus.
USNM 538130: Distal end of right tibia with fused astragalus.
ZIN PH 303/16: Maxillary fragment.
ZIN PH 342/16: Left metatarsal IV.
ZIN PH 1868/16: Right postorbital.
ZIN PH 1882/16, 2322/16, 2319/16, 2321/16: Teeth.
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-4, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
No. 727: Predentary.
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-27, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.
Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
No. 562: Supraorbital horn.
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CBI-28, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.
Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
No. 561: Superaorbital horn.
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZH-16, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.
Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
No. 254: Nasal horn.
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk locality, site CDZH-17, north of Bukhara in central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower part of Bissekty Formation.
Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
No. 549-551: Teeth.