Genus: Ugrunaaluk MORI, DRUCKENMILLER, & ERICKSON, 2016
Transliterated from the Alaskan Inupia noun ugrunnaq, referring to a grazing
animal with a long set of grinding teeth, and the adjective -aluk, old.
literally, "ancient grazer". The name hornors the Alakan Native Inupiq culture
from the area where the type material was discovered.
Species: kuukpikensis
Etymology: The specific name is derived
from the Inupiaq word kuukpik, which refers to the Colville River, Alaska, USA
along which the type material was found.
Holotype: UAMES 12995
Loclaity: Liscomb Quarry, along Colville River, Brooks Range, North Slope, Northern Alaska.
Note: Exact loction is on file with the Bureau of Land Management Arctic Field Office, for qualified individuals.
Horizon: Upper portion of the Prince Creek Formation.
Age: Lower Maaastrichtian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Anterior portion of a size class 1 right premaxilla.
Paratypes: (all paratypes are of size class 1, unless otherwise specified).
UAMES 4095: Right exoccipital-opisthotic.
UAMES 4189; Right jugal.
UAMES 4215: Left pterygoid.
UAMES 4217: Posterior portion of right nasal.
UAMES 4240: Right ectopterygoid.
UAMES 4245: Left quadratogugal.
UAMES 4272: Left quadratojugal.
UAMES 4276: Basioccipital.
UAMES 4286: Right quadrate.
UAMES 4291: Supraoccipital.
UAMAS 4301: Basisphenoid.
UAMAS 4309: Partial.
UAMAS 4327: Right maxilla.
UAMAS 4331: Left palatine.
UAMAS 4357: Right prootic.
UAMAS 4361: Right squamosal of size class 2.
UAMAS 4437: Predentary.
UAMAS 4457: Right surangular.
UAMAS 4873: Right coracoid.
UAMAS 4946: Left dentary of size class 2.
UAMAS 6272: Left radius.
UAMAS 6646: Dorsal vertebra of size class 3.
UAMAS 6637: Left ilum.
UAMAS 12515: Femur.
UAMAS 12525: Right ulna.
UAMAS 12545: Ribht metatarsal IV of size class 3.
UAMAS 12711: Right scapula.
UAMAS 12715: Left tibia.
UAMES 12955: Left ischium.
UAMES 13250: Left prefrontal.
UAMES 15384: Left laterosphenoid.
UAMES 15553: Left fibula.
UAMES 21596: Right humerus.
UAMES 21884: Right calcaneum.
UAMES 21950: Astragalus.
UAMAS 22058: Pubis.
UAMES 23071: Sacrum of size class 3.
UAMES 33308: Rigth postorbital of size class 3.
Referred material:
Size class 1
UAMES 4171, 4214, 4283, 4955, 12955: 5 premaxillae.
UAMES 4216, 4265, 4271, 4277, 4282, 4320, 4349, 4940, 19684: 8 nasals.
UAMES 4245, 4254, 4356, 12902, 21803: 5 lacrimals.
UAMES 4237, 4305, 4314, 13250, 18618: 5 prefrontals.
UAMES 4187, 4213, 4238, 4241, 4313, 4922, 4939, 7336, 13116: 9 jugals.
UAMES 4242, 4289, 4303, 4348, 4353, 4961, 12844, 13216, 19090: 9 frontals.
UAMES 4233, 4258, 4268, 4299, 4370, 4983, 12965, 17985, 18224: 9 postorbitals.
UAMES 4234, 4236, 4312, 12266, 12901, 17763, 18686: 7 Squamosals.
UAMES 4210, 4256, 4309, 4381, 4399, 12957, 13167: 7 Parietals.
UAMES 4173, 4182, 4235, 4286, 13218, 22630: 6 quadrates.
UAMES 4291, 4958, 18041, 18161, 21544: 5 supraocciptials.
UAMES 4264, 4269, 4272, 4273, 4298, 4330, 4355, 4369, 21539, 22529: 10 quadratojugals.
UAMES 4219, 4250, 4259, 4278, 4327, 7662: 6 maxillae.
UAMES 4240, 4316, 4335: 3 etopterygoid.
UAMES 4301, 6631, 12777, 13107, 13211, 13846, 18186, 18280: 8 basiphenoids.
UAMES 4276, 7727, 17015, 19212, 19242: 5 basioccipipital.
UAMES 4095, 4260, 4263, 4279, 4284, 4378, 4874, 13764: 8 opisthotic-exoccipitals.
UAMES 4285, 4357, 18791: 3 prootic.
UAMES 4346, 4352, 4380, 15284, 16800, 17668: 6 latersphenoid.
UAMES 4215, 15247, 18498: 3 pterygoids.
UAMES 4257, 4331, 7873: 3 palatiens.
UAMEs 4437, 4947, 15621: 3 predentaries.
UAMES 4189, 4207, 4209, 4218, 4306, 4333, 4367, 4937, 7346, 12941, 22556, 23055: 12 dentaries.
UAMES 4230, 4231, 4239, 4239, 4247, 4251, 4267, 4321, 4457, 21522: 10 surangulars.
UAMES 4368, 4274: 2 angulars.
UAMES 12334: 1 cervical vertebra.
UAMES 6389, 17053, 18462, 2000: 4 middle dorsal vertebrae.
UAMES 15298, 18704, 22597: 3 posterior dorsal vertebrae.
UAEMS 15201, 15285, 19877, 22013, 29028: 5 anterior caudal vertebrae.
UAMES 14291, 14297, 21494: 3 middle caudal vertebrae.
UAMES 12709, 14307, 14307, 14411, 19825, 21571, 21591: 6 distal caudal vertebre.
UAMES 4473, 12786, 13004, 13040, 20009, 21825, 23197: 7 ribs.
UAMES 6627, 6673, 12711, 19736, 19757: 5 scapulae.
UAMES 4326, 4350, 4351, 4873, 13553: 5 coracoids.
UAMES 12519, 12530, 12580, 12594, 12703, 12703, 12857, 12984, 12992, 13093, 13123, 12201, 13298, 13299, 14121, 15766, 18013, 18457, 19838, 19974, 19985, 21596, 21995, 29680: 23 humeri.
UAMES 12525, 12839, 13104, 16751, 19170, 19812, 19973, 23128: 9 ulnae.
UAMES 6272, 7345, 12529, 12579, 12719, 12841, 12850, 12980, 13006, 22070, 22696, 22967: 12 radii.
UAMES 14230, 16733, 29662, 29676: 4 metacarpals V.
UAMES 12544, 12836, 13279, 18903: 4 metacarpal III.
UAMES 12837, 13266: 2 metacarl II.
UAMES 12697, 17021: 2 metacarpal IV.
UAMES 4105, 7347, 12507, 125625, 12985, 22701: 6 femora.
UAMES 730, 12715, 12834, 13505, 15058, 15289, 15930, 19885, 22020: 9 tibiae.
UAMES 6504, 6626, 12842, 14223, 15553, 298017: 6 fibulae.
UAMES 12588, 12852, 13009, 13012, 13290, 13638, 15905, 19972, 22760, 22815: 10 metatarsal II.
UAMES 2296, 6656, 6665, 12585, 12589, 12861, 13304, 14039, 21408, 21772, 21958, 22083, 23257, 33457: 14 metatarsal III.
UAMES 6506, 7337, 12547, 12581, 14094, 16997, 22374, 22884: 8 metataral IV.
UAMES 7658, 12955: 2 ischium.
UAMEs 6637, 13293, 23439: 3 ilia.
UAMES 6677, 12855, 13303, 13683, 22058, 22885: 6 pubies.
UAMES 6208, 12373, 13430, 21884, 22868: 5 calcaneum.
UAMES 5861, 21950, 22792, 23174: 4 astragalus.
UAMES 13436: 1 sternum.
UAMES 6203, 12408, 12740, 21473, 25333: 5 phalnages.
Size Class 2
UAMES 4184: 1 premaxilla.
UAMES 4308, 28910: 2 frontals.
UAMES 4362: 1 squamosal.
UAMES 4172, 16981: 2 quadrates.
UAMES 4281: 1 ectopterygoid.
UAMES 33309, 34791: 2 basisphenoid.
UAMES 34791: 1 basioccipital.
UAMES 4299, 19391: 2 opisthotic-exoccipital.
UAMES 4928: 1 predentary.
UAMES 4945: 1 denary.
UAMES 4293: 1 surangular.
UAMES 19535, 19734: 2 cervical vertebrae.
UAMEs 21637: 1 anterior caudal vertebra.
UAMES 21857: 1 middle caudal vertebra.
UAMES 7341, 15729, 22012: 3 scapulae.
UAEMS 12984, 22698, 33439: 3 humeri.
UAMES 13647, 18981, 19976: 3 ulnae.
UAEMS 21824, 29705: 2 radii.
UAMES 13333, 21590: 2 femora.
UAMES 12518, 18126: 2 tibiae.
UAEMS 6656: 1 metatarsal II.
UAMES 4448, 7652: 2 metatarsal III.
UAMES 7344, 22629: 2 metatarsal IV.
UAMES 6685: 1 pubis.
Size Class 3
UAMES 14171: 1 Jugal.
UAMES 33398: 1 postorbital.
UAMES 18882: 1 basisphenoid.
UAMES 4252: 1 pterygoid.
UAMES 14132: 1 surangular.
UAMES 12945: 1 cervical vertebra.
UAEMS 23033: 1 anterior dorsal vertebra.
UAMES 12516: 1 middle dorsal vertebra.
UAMES 6646: 1 posterior dorsal vertebra.
UAMES 23071: 1 sacrum.
UAMES 18053, 18156: 2 anterior caudal vertebra.
UAMES 17365, 19072: 2 middle caudal vertebra.
UAMES 22595: 1 rib.
UAMES 29996: 1 scapula.
UAMES 33439: 1 humeri.
UAMES 29999: 1 ulna.
UAMES 16215: 1 metacarpal III.
UAMES 6399, 12545: 2 metatarsal IV.
UAMES 18059: 1 calcaneum.
UAMES 6658, 13200: 2 phalanx.