Species: canaliculatus (GALTON, 1975) GALTON, 1977
Etymology: Latin, caniculatus, "a channel or conduit," with reference to the
deep anterior intercondylar groove.
= Dryosaurus canaliculatus GALTON, 1975
= referred to Hypsilophodon foxi by LYDEKKER, 1888
Holotype: NHUMK (old BMNH) R185
Locality: Near Cowleaze Chine, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Hypsilophodon bed, Upper Wealden Formation.
Age: Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch- Berremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Left femur.
Referred material:
NHUMK (old BMNH) R184: Right femur.
NHUMK (old BMNH) 28697: Distal end of left femur.
NHUMK (old BMNH) R186: A small left tibia associated with BMNH R184-5.
NHUMK (old BMNH) R12240: Distal ends of two femora (previously catalogued BMNH R8420, R8421, and by LYDEKKER, 1888, Under BMNH R170 as Iguanodon).
Locality: Heathfield, Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Upper Wealden Formation, (Blue Clay).
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHUMK (old BMNH) 2459: Proximal parts of a large pair of femora.
Locality: Bone Bed between high and low water, Chilton Chine, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Wessex Formation, Upper Wealden Group.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHUMK (old BMNH) R8670: Distal end of femur.
NHUMK (old BMNH) 2183: Partial left ischium.
Locality: In a plant debris bed (sensu Sweetman & Insole, 2010) cropping out from a cliff on a National Trust owned property, Crompton Bay, southwest coast of Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation.
Age: Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
IWCMS 2013.175: Partial postcranium of the hindquarters.
Locality: Probably Plant Debris Bed L6, Chilton Chine, southwest coast of Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Upper Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
IWCMS 2007 4: Almost complete left hindlimb and an ?associated partial right scapula and coracoid.
BLOWS, 1998, GALTON, 2009
Locality: Chilton Chine, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Upper Wealden Group.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHM R13003: Distal right femur.
GALTON, 1975
NHM 28697, NHM R8421 (ex NHM R170): Distal femur.
Locality: From a plant debris bed approximately 200 m east of brook Chine, southwest coast of the Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Upper Wealden Group.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
BELUM K17051: Incomplete vertebral column, a partial right pubis and nearly complete right hindlimb, with numerous associated fragments.
= Hypsilophodontid GALTON, 1975
Locality: Compton Bay, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wesex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
NHUMK (old BMNH) R8669: Section of femoral shaft.
GALTON & TAQUET, 1982Locality: Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wadhurst Clay (Tilgate Forest), Lower Wealden Formation.
Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MNHN 9609: Right femur.
MNHN 9643: Right ilium.
Note: May belong to a new genus? PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, 1993
GALTON & TAQUET, 1982/JURCSAK & POPA, 1979Locality: Cornet, Muntii Padurea Craiuli, Romania.
Horizon: Bauxite deposits, equivalent uppermost Wealden Formation.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Several small bones.
NAISH & MARTILL, 2001aLocality: Plant Debris Bed L6, between Chilton Chine and Sudmoor Point, Isle of Wight, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MIWG 6438: Pedal phalanx, distal end of metatarsal and phalange.
IWCMS (MIWG) 6879: Right femur, partial pes.