Genus: Vectisaurus HULKE, 1879
Etymology: Latin, Vectis, “Isle of Wight” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “Wealden lizard”.

Genus: valdensis HULKE, 1879
Etymology: Latin, valdus “Weald.” In reference to the Wealden.

Holotype: BMNH R2497 (Partial right ilium) BMNH R2494 & BMNH R2495 (3 dorsal vertebrae) BMNH R2498 & BMNH R2499 (2 dorsal neural arches) BMNH R2496 (caudal centrum)

Locality: 300 yards east of the flagstaff at Brixton Chine, Brixton, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.


Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: See the brackdown listed in the holotype.

Referred material:

Locality: 100 yards west of Chilton Chine, Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wealden Marls.


Age: Late Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


BMNH R8549: 13 dorsal vertebrae, the sacrum with both ilia, portions of the acetabular margins of the pubis and ischium, as well as a variety of broken fragments (mostly ribs and neural spines).