Etymology: The generic name is formed by the combination of the following words of the Mapuche language: willi, "south," ina, "mimic" and kaqe, "duck"; the name thus meaning "the duck-mimic of the South".

Species: salitralensis JUAREZ VALIERI, HARO, FIORELLI & CALVO, 2011
Etymology: The name salitralensis referes to the Salitral Moreno Locality, where the first remains were recovered.

Holotype: MPCA-Pv SM 8

Locality: Salitral Moreno, 40 km south of General Roca, Rio Negro Province, Patagonia, Argentina.

Horizon: Sandy Member, Allen Formation, Lower Malargue Group.


Age: Allenian Tetrapoda Assemblage, Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Right premaxilla.


MPCA-Pv SM12: Left maxillae with teeth.

MPCA-Pv SM03: Right lower jaw, including dentary, surangular, angular and teeth.

MPCA-Pv SM 27: Left scapula.

MPCA-Pv SM 32: Left sternum.

MPCA-Pv SM33: Left humerus.

MPCA-Pv SM 29: Left Right coracoid.

MPCA-Pv SM 39: Left ilum.

MPCA-PV SM 41: Right incomplete pubis.

Referred material:

MPCA-Pv SM 4-6: Left and right dentaries.

MPCA-Pv SM 7, 9: Isolated teeth.

MPCA-Pv 10: Left maxilla.

MPCA-Pv SM 11, 13, 14: Cervical vertebrae.

MPCA-Pv SM 15-22: Dorsal vertebrae.

MPCA-Pv SM 23-25: Caudal vertebrae.

MPCA-Pv SM 26: Dorsal rib.

MPCA-Pv SM 28: Scapula.

MPCA-Pv SM 30-31: Coracoids.

MPCA-Pv SM 34-38: Humeri.

MPCA-Pv SM 40: Ilium.

MPCA-Pv SM 42-44: Femora.

MPCA-Pv SM 45, 46: Tibiae.

MPCA-Pv SM 47: Fibula.

MPCA-Pv SM 48-51: Metatarsals.

MPCA-Pv 52-55: Phalanges and unguals.