Genus: Tianzhenosaurus PANG & CHENG, 1998
Etymology: In reference to Tianzhen County, Shansi (Shanxi) Province, China and Greek, sauros, :”lizard”: Tianzhen lizard.

Species: youngi PANG & CHENG, 1998
Etymology: In honor of Professor C. C. Young, the founder of Vertebrate Paleontology in China, for memorial of his 100th birthday.

Holotype: HBV-10001

Locality: About 270 km northwest of Beijing, Wu Valley, Kangdailiang near Zhaojiagou Village, Tianzhen County, Shansi (Shanxi) Province, China.

Horizon: Huiquanpu Formation.


Age: Late Cretaceous.

Material: A nearly complete skull.

Tianzhenosaurus youngi (modified from PANG & CHENG, 1998), Holotype: HBV-10001


HBV-10002: Incomplete mandible.

HBVP10003: A nearly complete postcranial skeleton.

Referred material:

MA, 2020

MHGU-0599: Nearly complete skull and skeleton.

MHGU-0603, TZ-03-90: Tail clubs.

TZ-10-261: Crushed skull and fragmentary skeleton.

TZ-10-498: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.

TZ-10-521: Skull missing snout and skeleton.