Species: multispinus DONG, LI, ZHOU & ZHANG, 1977
Etymology: Laitn, multi, "many" and Latin, spina, "spine." Multispinus refers to the 17 bony plates on the back.
Holotype: V 00209 (ChM V 209)
Locality: Wujiabai, Zigong City, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Upper Shaximiao (Shang-Shaximiao) Formation, Chungking Group.
Age: Oxfordian Stage, Lower Malm Epoch, Early Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull, dentary, 10 cervical, 17 dorsal, 4 sacral, 45 caudals, scapula and coracoid, humerus, metacarpal II or III, pelvis, femur, tibia and fibula, 15 pairs of plates, 1 spine.
CV 00210: Part of the sacrum.
Cervical plate and caudal spine.
CV 210: Skull, scapulae, dorsal vertebrae and associated dermal armor.