Genus: Austrosaurus LONGMAN, 1933
Etymology: Latin, austri- (auster), southern, and Greek, sauros, lizard: “Southern lizard”.

Species: mckillopi LONGMAN, 1933

Holotype: QM F2316

Locality: ‘Clutha” Station, "Clutha" is north of the Flinders River, and the homestead is 34 miles (60 km) from Maxwelton, on the Great Northern Railway, 337 miles west of Townside, North Queensland State, Australia.

Horizon: Allur Mudstone, Tambo Series.


Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: 3 pairs of incomplete vertebrae.

Note: Due to the large size of the vertebrae, it was originally thought to belong to Kronosaurus.

Referred material:

MOLNAR, 1989

Locality: Queensland State, Australia.

Horizon: Allur Mudstone.


Age: Albain Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


QM F2316: Dorsal and ribs.