Species: longus MARSH, 1878
Etymology: Latin, longus, "long."
Holotype: YPM 1920 (USNM 2672; skull)
Locality: Marsh-Felch’s YPM Quarry 1, Garden Park, Sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Canyon City, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: 17 caudal vertebrae.
A) Skull with closed jaws, and B) lower jaw.
Referred material:
BLUMBERG & SOKOLOFF, 1961 (This is a list of fused caudal vertebrae)
AMNH 493, AMNH 608: Coalescened caudal vertebrae.
CM 94: 17-18, 22-23 caudals fused.
AMNH 655: 18-21 caudals fused.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
USNM 10865: Cervicals, 1-10, dorsals 2, 3, 6-10, caudals 1-29, 33 and 35, 2 ribs, scapula and coracoid, ilium, pubes, ischium, humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia and fibula.
HUENE, 1914
Locality: Bone Cabin Quarry, 8 miles north of Como, Medicine Bow Anticline (also called Flat top Anticline), Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
AMNH 694: Fragmentary skull, with braincase.
McINTOSH, 1981Locality: Quarry face as exposed inside the Dinosaur National Monument Visitor Center, Carnegie Quarry, Vernal, Uintah County, Utah.
Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
CM 37006 (DNM 220/3): Half a cervical.
CM 21738 (DNM 205/C): Left radius and ulna.
CM 26552 (DNM 175/A): Braincase (formerly catalogued CM 1201, which has been assigned to 2 specimens.
CM 21728 (DNM 130/CA): Teeth preserved in place, the jaws having been decayed away.
CM 33984 (DNM 102, part): Several cervicals.
CM 30772 (DNM 66): 3 cervicals, questionably referred to this genus.
CM 21745 (DNM 145): Articulated series of dorsals, sacrals, and caudals, incomplete left ilium, and right femur.
CM 3388 (DNM 15): 2 dorsal centra.
CM 30768 (DNM 285/53): Dorsal centrum.
CM 21718 (DNM 89): Sacrum, incomplete left ilium, and ischia.
CM 33977 (DNM 148): Articulated series of antero-medial caudals.
CM 11975 (DNM 168/A): 4 articulated postmeidian caudals, a right femur originally catalogued with these bones have been removed to 21745.
CM 21714 (DNM 39/65H): Postmeidan caudal.
CM 33904 (DNM 99): Posterior caudal.
CM 30763 (DNM 285, part): 3 caudals, right tibia-fibula-astragalus, ribs, and an associated right scapula-coracoid. Part of which was formerly catalogued CM 2969.
CM 38339: Rib found with CNM 202/F.
CM 38335 (DNM 285/H): Right scapula, formerly part of CM 2969.
CM 10004 (DNM 210/9): Left scapula-coracoid. 2 scapulae, a coracoid and a fibula of other individuals formerly referred to this number have been recatalogued, see 33924, 33925, 33926.
CM 33926 (DNM 210/3): Right scapula, formerly part of 10004.
CM 33961 (DNM 45/18?): Left scapula.
CM 33961 (DNM 285/H): Small right scapula.
CM 21721 (DNM 228): Right humerus, radius and ulna.
CM 30773 (DNM 350 and 345/A): Left humerus, left pubes, left ischium, a large part of the vertebral column of this animal remains to be prepared, pelvic bones originally catalogued as CM 9000.
CM 33959 (DNM 238/1): Left radius.
CM 33962 (DNM 146/B): Incomplete right ilium and pubes.
CM 21747 (DNM 231): Pair of pubes belonging to a juvenile.
CM 33947 (DNM 228/7): Incomplete right pubis.
CM 3389 (DNM 4): Right ilium of a juvenile.
CM 33987 (DNM 270/14): Left ischium.
CM 33991 (DNM 160/G and H): Left femur and tibia. These belong to a young individual found associated with Apatosaurus CM 3378 and formerly catalogued as part of it.
CM 3377 (DNM 172): Left femur of a juvenile.
CM 21710 (DNM 334): Left femur.
CM 21753 (DNM 151/A): Left femur and head of right tibia, perhaps belonging to 2 individuals.
CM 21754 (DNM 219): Left femur of a small individual.
CM 21771 (DNM 60/14): Right femur transferred to the South African Museum, in 1977.
CM 21788: Left femur of a small individual. Transferred to the USNM with Barosaurus material and returned.
CM 30762 (DNM 120/P); Right femur of a small individual.
CM 33951 (DNM 228/6): Right tibia.
CM 33953 (DNM 285/38): Right tibia
CM 33967 (DNM 160/K): Left tibia, found associated with Apatosaurus skeleton CM 3378 and originally catalogued as part of it.
CM 33924 (DNM 210/2): Right fibula, originally part of CM 10004.
CM 33950 (DNM 285/10): Left fibula.
CM 30767 (DNM 175/G): Right fibula, calcaneum, astragalus and pes, originally catalogued as part of CM 2905.
CM 33928 (DNM 232/22): Right fibula.
CM 21741 (DNM 60/16): Right astragalus. The associated right femur was transferred to the North Carolina Museum in Durham, north Carolina, where it is on display. The associated right tibia and fibula have been transferred to the Royal Ontario Museum, in Toronto.
CM 33941 (DNM 39/15): Left metatarsal III.
STEEL 1970/MADSEN, 1961: Skin impressions.
CM 3452: Skull.
Diplodocus longus (after BERMAN & McINTOSH, 1978), CM 3452
DINO 3526: Left coracoid.
DINO 3525: Left scapula.
DINO 3528: Left humerus of a juvenile.
DINO 3530: Caudal vertebra.
DINO 3682: Left and right articulated pubes of a juvenile.
DINO 3694: Left scapula of a juvenile.
DINO 4282: Left coracoid.
DINO 4684: Left fibula.
DINO 4734: Caudal vertebra.
DINO 4809: Distal chevron.
DINO 4926: Cervical vertebra.
DINO 4927-4930: Left metatarsals.
DINO 4931: Astragalus.
DINO 4999: Left tibia.
DINO 5088: Left femur of a juvenile.
DINO 3823: Scapula of a juvenile.
DINO 3939: Humerus.
CM 11255: Skull.
Diplodocus longus (after WHITLOCK, WILSON, & LAMANNA, 2010), CM 11255
CMN 11161: Skull.
CMN 11161: Skull modified from WHITLOCK, 2017.
Locality: Como Bluff, Wyoming.Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
CM 37013: Chevrons 11, 12, 13 being casts of the 'transition region" chevrons of MANH 223.
Note: This and the above specimens may be Diplodocus carnegii (McINTOSH, 1981)
Locality: Canon City, Colorado.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
USNM 4713: Dorsal vertebra.
USNM 4712: Cervical vertebra.
OSTROM & McINTOSH, 1966Locality: Reed’s YPM Quarry 1, T22N, R77W., sec. 10, Como Bluff West (west of Marshall Road), Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
YPM 4675: Distal chevron.
TURNER & PETERSON, 1999Locality: DMNH Quarry 1 (Dall DeWeese’s 1915 Quarry), Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Lower Upper Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given:
A) Old view of the position of the soft tissue narial opening; B) New view of the position of the soft tissue narial opening.
Species: lacustris MARSH, 1884 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Latin, lacustris, "lacustrine."
Holotype: YPM 1922
Locality: Lake’s YPM Quarry 1, T4S, R70W, Sec. 26, Jefferson County, Colorado.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Teeth.
Note: Found with the type of Stegosaurus and once referred to that genus.
Species: carnegii HATCHER, 1901
Etymology: In honor of Andrew Carnegie, the founder of the Carnegie Institution,
and in recognition of his interest in vertebrate paleontology.
= Diplodocus carnegiei HOLLAND, 1906 (sic)
Holotype: CM 84
Locality: Quarry D, also referred to as Quarry 3 of 1899, exposed along Bone Quarry Draw, a tributary of Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Upper 10 m of the Talking Rocks facies, Upper Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Cervicals 2-25, dorsals 1-10, sacrals 1-5, caudals 1-12, 18 ribs, left scapula, left coracoid, right ilium and a fragment of the left, pubes, ischia, right femur, both sternal plates, supposed clavicle.
Diplodocus carnegi composite skull based on CM 84, 662 and USNM 2673 after after McGINIS, 1982.
Paratype: CM 94: 9 cervicals, 9 dorsals, sacrum, 39 caudals, ribs, five chevrons,
scapulae-coracoids, sternal plates, ilia, pubes, ischia, left femur, right
tibia, right fibula, right astragalus, complete right pes.
A second individual is indicated by a second pair of ischia, a fragment of
a pubis, and an incomplete second left femur. In addition 8 of the caudals
clearly belong to a larger individual, which might possibly be CM 84.
Note: Caudals 5 and 6, 7-10 co ossified.
Referred material:
CM 33985: Left fibula and probably left metatarsals III, IV, V.
Locality: FS Quarry, Warm Springs Ranch, approximately 7 km southeast of the town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Member?, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age? Just below the Tithonian-Kimmeridgian Stage Boundary, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
WDC-FS001A: Fragmentary skeleton, manus and pes.
FULLER, 2009
Locality: Dana Quarry, Ten Sleep, Washakie County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Member?, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age? Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given "Sleeping Beauty": Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Red Fork of Powder River,
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given: 37 distal caudal vertebrae.
HOLLAND, 1916Locality: Near Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given: Fragmentary skeleton.
HUNT & LUCAS, 1993
Locality: NMMNH Locality 369, San Ysidro area, Sandoval County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
NMMNH P-21095: Fragmentary skeleton.
McINTOSH, 1981Locality: Unknown, Sheep Creek, Wyoming..
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone?
Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
CM 30765: 2 metatarsals.
Locality: E. P. Thompson’s quarry, Como Bluff, East (East of Marshall road), Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Middle Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given:
Species: hallorum (GILLETTE, 1991) (CURTICE,
in press as per LUCAS & HUNT,
Etymology: In honor of the late Reverend James W. Hall, former director of
the Ghost Ranch Conference Center, Abiquiu, New Mexico, and his wife Ruth,
honoring their support of paleontology in northern New Mexico spanning three
= Seismosaurus halli GILLETTE, 1991
= Seismosaurus hallorum (GILLETTE, 1991) (emend OLSHEVSKY, 1998)
Holotype: NMMNH 3690
Locality: Seismosaurus Quarry, 16 km west of San Ysidro, Bernalillo County, Central New Mexico.
Horizon: Upper or Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: One isolated and seven articulated dorsal vertebrae, articulated
ribs, both ilia and ischia, one pubis, sacrum, caudal vertebrae 1-8, 12-16,
and 20-27, five chevrons, with 230 gastroliths.
Note: LUCAS, 2000, LUCAS, HECKERT, HUNT & SULLIVAN,2004 do not believe
that these are gastroliths but are actually stream-deposited pebbles.
Note: Pathologic distal expansion on the ischium,LUCAS, HECKERT, HUNT & SULLIVAN,2004.
Referred material:
NMMNH 3690: Partial shaft of an unidentified limb element bearing the same specimen number, found at the type locality but not in situ, presumed to belong to the type specimen.
Locality: Marsh-Felch’s YPM Quarry 1, Garden Park, Sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Canyon City, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
AMNH 223: Skeleton.
Locality: Quarry face as exposed inside the Dinosaur National Monument Visitor Center, Carnegie Quarry, Vernal, Uintah County, Utah.
Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
USNM 10865: Nearly complete skeleton. Note: 17-18, 19-23 caudals fused.
Note: Possible furcula have been identified in Diplodocus, HATCHER, 1901,
1903, HOLLAND 1906.