Species: minor (HUENE, 1908) YATES, 2003
Etymology: Latin, minor, "minor or small."
= Teratosaurus minor HUENE, 1908
Holotype: Stuttgart Nr. 11838 (11843?)
Locality: “Weisser Steinbruch” quarry, near Pfaffenhofen, southwest of Brackenheim, Stromberg Region, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Middle Löwenstein Formation, Stubensandstein.
Age: Middle Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
Material: 3 dorsal vertebrae, right metacarpal IV and V, with phalanges and
claw. pubis, femur, right metatarsal I, II, III, IV and IV, tibia and fibula.
Referred material:
YATES, 2003
After YATES, 2003, Based on SMNS 12216, 12684, 12667.
SMNS 12354, 12684, 17928, 12216, 14881)
GALTON, 1985
Locality: From an abandoned former Goesel Quarry 375 m northwest of the church of Ochsenbach (R 3498500, H 5431825’ Topographische Karte 1:25000, sheet 6915 Guglingen, Stormberg region north of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Lower Löwenstein Formation, Stubensandstein.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
SMNS 17928: 2 cervicals, 1 dorsal, 3 sacrals, 40 caudals with part of 23 chevrons, the right scapula, coracoid, humerus and most of the manus, the left ulna, proximal end of radius and parts of the manus plus both pelvic girdles and hind limbs.
= Sellosaurus fraasi HUENE, 1907-1908 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor of Eberhard Fraas.
= Plateosaurus fraasi (HUENE 1907-1908) (nomen dubium)Holotype: SMNS Nr. 12188-92
Locality: Quarry Burrer on the North Slope of the St. near Pfaffenhoffen, Stromberghohe north of Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Middle Löwenstein Formation, Stubensandstein.
Age: Middle Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
Material: 1 dorsal, 2 sacral, and 7 caudal vertebrae, 1 rib, scapula, ilium, pubis, ischium, femur, tibia and fibula.
Referred material:
SMNS 12038: Dorsal, sacral 5 caudal vertebrae, ribs, ilia, ischia, pubis, and femur.
= Thecodontosaurus diagnosticus E. FRAAS, 1913 (nomen nudum)
Etymology: Latin, diagnōsis, “to know, to discern.”
= Palaeosaurus diagnosticus HUENE, 1932 (ex Thecodontosaurus diagnosticus E. FRAAS, 1913 juvenile)
= Palaeosauriscus diagnosticus (HUENE, 1932) KUHN, 1939 (Juvenile)
= Efraasia diagnostica (HUENE, 1932) GALTON, 1973 (Juvenile)Holotype: SMNS 12667
Locality: Burrer Quarry, near Pfaffenhofen, in the Stromberg region of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Middle Löwenstein Formation, Stubensandstein.
Note: "untere Faule." the lowermost of the two bands of marl which interrupt the Middle Stubensandstein, Middle Keuper.Biostratigraphy:
Age: Middle Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Skull, and nearly complete skeleton.
Referred material:
SMNS 12668: Fragmentary skull.
= Palaeosauriscus (?) diagnosticus HUENE, 1932Locality: Steinbruches near Pfaffenhofen, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Stubensandstein.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
S.74/75: Caudal vertebrae, femur, distal end of a radius, 1 phalange of the pes, phalanges 2 and 3 of metatarsal III, claw, and left quadrate.
Locality: Halberstadt, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Keuper.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Subepoch, Late Triassic.
Nr. IV: 4 dorsal centra and caudal vertebrae.