Genus: Elaltitan MANNION & OTERO, 2012
Etymology: Elal (ee-lal), the creator god of the Tehuelche people of Chubut
Province, and Greek, Titan, Green mythological giants.
Species: lilloi MANNON & OTERO,
Etymology: In honor of Miguel Lillo, for his contribution and legacy of natural
sciences in Tucman.
Holotype: PVL 4628 and MACN-CH 217
Locality: South (right) bank of the Rio Senguerr, in the area between the bend of this river and the Pampa de Maria Santisma, southeast of the southernmost part of the Sierra de San Bernardo, Chubut Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Lower member, Bajo Barreal Formation.
Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous¬-Turonian Stage, upper Gallic subepoch, lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.
PVL 4628: Associated partial skeleton comprising 3 dorsal vertebrae, 2 caudal vertebrae, left scapula, left humerus, left radius, both ulnae, right pubis, proximal half of right femur, distal part of the left tibia, distal 2/3rds of left fibula, right astragalus, and calcaneum.
Breakdown as per Powell, 1988
PVL 4628-1: Dorsal vertebra?
PVL 4628-2: Posterior dorsal vertebra.
PVL 4628-3: Dorsal vertebra.
PVL 4628-4: Anterior caudal vertebra.
PVL 4628-5: Fragmentary scapula.
PVL 4628-6: Humerus.
PVL 4628-/8: Ulna.
PVL 68,70: Pubi.
PVL 4628-10: Femur.
PVL 4628-11: Distal end of tibia.
PVL 4628-12: Fragmentary fibula.
PVL 4628-13: Astragalus.
MACN-CH 217: The dorsal vertebra and complete caudal vertebrae were sent to
MACN and is part of the type specimen (PVL 4628).