Genus: Euhelopus ROMER, 1956
Etymology: Greek, eu, "true," to replace the preoccupied Helopus: “True Helopus”.
= Eohelopus ROZHDESTVENSKY, 1977 (sic)
= Euhelops McINTOSH, COOMBS & RUSSELL, 1992 (sic)
= Helopus WIMAN, 1929 non WAGLER, 1832 (Helopus caspius,Aves, Sternidae)
Etymology: Greek, helos, “swamp, marsh”, and Greek, pous, “foot”: “Marsh Foot”.

Species: zdanskyi (WIMAN, 1929) ROMER, 1956
Etymology: Otto Karl Josef Zdansky Austrian Paleontologist, who studied Chinese dinosaurs.
= Helopus zdanskyi WIMAN, 1929
= Tienshanosaurus zdanskyi (WIMAN, 1929) MOLNAR, 1991

Holotype: PMU.R233 (EXAMPLAR A)

Locality: 1 km east of Ningchiachou, 23 km NW of Meng-Yin-Hsien, Ningjiagou, Xintai (Mengyin), Shandong (Shantung) Province, China.

Horizon: Mengyin Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Fragmentary skull and Vertebrae II-XXV, neck ribs, one chest rib belonging to vertebrae XX, a broken coracoid, a left femur.

Modified from MATEER & McINTOSH, 1983, PMU.R233

After LIM, MARTIN & BAEK, 2001

Referred material:

YOUNG, 1935

EXAMPLAR B: Dorsal vertebrae XXV-XXVIII, left scapula and coracoid and a right humerus.



Locality: 1 mi SE from the same village, Shandong (Shantung) Province, China.



Age: Late Jurassic.


Specimen C: Vertebrae XXII-XXXVII, whole pelvis and right leg.