Genus: Gresslyosaurus RUTIMEYER, 1857
Etymology: In honor of Amanz Gressly (1814-1865), and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Gressly’s lizard”.
= Dimodosaurus PIDANCET & CHOPARD, 1862
Etymology: Greek, deimodos, “terrible”, and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Terrible lizard”.
= Dinodosaurus DEVILLE, 1992 (sic)
= Dinosaurus RUTIMEYER, 1856 non FISCHER de WALDHEIM, 1847 (Dinosaurus murchisoni, Gorgonopia, Phthinosuchidae)
Etymology: Greek, deinos “terrible” and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Terrible lizard”.
= Greeslyosaurus YADAGIRI, 1988 (sic)
= Greslyosaurus HEILMANN, 1927 (sic)
= Gresslysaurus LYDEKKER, 1888 (sic)
= Pachysauriscus KUHN, 1959 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Pachysaurus + iscus, "little," to replace preoccupied Pachysaurus: “Little Pachysaurus”.
= Pachysaurops HUENE, 1961 (sic)
= Pachysaurus HUENE, 1908/FITZINGER, 1843
Etymology: Greek, pachys, “thick” and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Thick lizard”.
= Plataeosaurus MEYER, 1845 (sic)
= Plateosaurns YADAGIRI, 1988 (sic)
= Platysaurus AGASSIZ, 1846/SMITH, 1844 (sic)

Species: gresslyi (RUTIMEYER, 1856) RUTIMEYER, 1857
= Dinosaurus gresslyi RUTIMEYER, 1856 (nomen dubium)
= Gresslyosaurus ingens RUTIMEYER, 1857 (nomen dubium)
= Plateosaurus ingens (RUTIMEYER, 1857) (nomen dubium)

Holotype: NMB NB 1585

Locality: Niederschonthal in Liestal, Baselland Canton, Switzerland.

Horizon: Knollenmergel, Keuper.


Age: Late Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Fragmentary sacrum (A), 3 sacral and 4 caudal vertebrae (B), proximal end of tibia (F), metacarpal (C, D), distal end of metatarsal claw (E).

Referred material:

NMB NB53: Ungual phalanx of digit IV of pes. (Cast)

NMB NB 1582: Proximal end of left tibia.

NMB NB 1572: Caudal vertebra 6.

NMB NB 1573: Caudal vertebra 10.

NMB NB 1574: Caudal vertebra 14.

NMB NB 1576: Left metatarsal V.

NMB NB 1577: Caudal vertebra 22.

NMB NB 1578: Left metacarpal II.

NMB NB 1875: Left metacarpal II.

NMB NB 1591: Second phalanx of digit IV of left pes.

NMB NB: Phalanx II of digit IV, ungual phalanx of digit IV.


Locality: Quarry of the Tonwerke Keller, A. G. at Frick, Aragau Canton, Switzerland.

Horizon: Knollenmergel, Keuper.


Age: Late Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


MSF 1: Left premaxilla and dentary.

MSF 2: Isolated braincase compressed anteroposteriorly.

MSF 3: Fragmentary left pes.

MSF 4: Slab with disarticulated partial skeleton.

MSF 5: Slab with disarticulated and poorly preserved partial skull, and associated cervical and dorsal vertebrae, scapulae and humeri.

MSF 6: Anterior part of skull including premaxilla and anterior parts of maxilla, nasal and dentaries.

MSF 7: Disarticulated dorsal vertebrae.

MSF 8: Compete disarticulated right pes.

MSF 9: Isolated left coracoid.

MSF 10: Isolated right pes.

MSF 11: Isolated left ilium.

MSF 12: Isolated right radius.

MSF 13: Isolated left femur.


Locality: Hallau, Schaffhausen Canton, Switzerland.

Horizon: Rhaetic.


Age: Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


UZ: Distal end of left femur.

MA: Fragmentary dorsal vertebra.



Locality: Schleitheim, Schauffhausen Canton, Switzerland.

Horizon: Rhaetic.


Age: Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


UZ: Posterior cervical, dorsal vertebrae, posterior caudals, centrum of last dorsal vertebra, parts of two ungual phalanges from digit I of manus, and badly crushed centrum of anterior caudal.


HUENE, 1911

Locality: Niederschonthal near Basel, Switzerland.



Age: Late Triassic.


NB 24: Dorsal vertebrae.

NB. 530: Distal caudals.

NB 531: Fragmentary vertebrae.

NB 10: Fragmentary ilium.

NB 1: Distal right tibia.


HUENE, 1932

Locality: Halberstadt, Sachsen-Anhalt State, Germany.

Horizon: Keuper.


Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


18: Dorsal vertebrae, left femur, left tibia, left fibula, astragalus, calcanum and metatarsals I, II, III, Iv, V, phalanges.


SANDER, 1992

Locality: Trossingen, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.

Horizon: Knollenmergel, Middle Keuper.


Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


Numbers: Not given: Many skeletons, ranging from disarticulated to articulated.
