Species: priscus (HATCHER, 1903) HATCHER, 1903
Etymology: Latin, priscus, "ancient, of venerable age."
= Haplocanthus priscus HATCHER, 1903
= Haplocanthosaurus piscus YADAGIRI 1988 (sic)
Holotype: CM 572
Locality: Marsh-Felch’s YPM Quarry 1, Garden Park, Sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Canyon City, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: 2 cervicals, 10 dorsals, 5 sacrals, caudals 1-19, many ribs, chevrons, ilia, pubs, ischia and left femur.
Referred material:
= Haplocanthosaurus utterbacki HATCHER, 1903
Etymology: Mr. W. H. Utterback who unearthed the specimen.
= Haplocanthus utterbacki OLSHEVSKY, 1978 (sic)
Holotype: CM 879Locality: Marsh-Felch’s YPM Quarry 1, Garden Park, Sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Canyon City, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: 10 cervicals, 13 dorsals, 5 sacrals, caudals 1-7, left scapula, right coracoid.
Referred material:
Locality: Quarry D, also referred to as Quarry 3 of 1899, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Upper or Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
CM 33995: Left scapula-coracoid.
Note: The well-preserved bones are marked 94, the catalogue number of the paratype of Diplodcus carnegii.
CM 2043: Right tibia, fibula, and astragalus.
CM 2046: Left tibia and fibula.
Locality: Red Fork of Powder River (RFPR) Quarry B, about 20 km west of the town of Kaycee, eastern side of Bighorn Mountains, Powder River Basin, Johnson County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Age: Comobluffian age, Tithonian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
CM 36034: A median caudal.
Species: delfsi McINTOSH & WILLIAMS, 1988
Etymology: In honor of Edward Delfs.
Holotype: CMNH 10380
Locality: CMNH Quarry, Delf’s Quarry, East bank of Four Mile Creek NW 1/4, NW, 1/4, Sec. 34, T17S, R70W, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Cervicals 1-4, 9 posterior dorsals with ribs of the left side, 5
sacrals, caudals 1-14, several chevrons, shaft and distal end of left scapula,
fragmentary coracoid?, right sternal plate, proximal end of left radius, proximal
end of left ulna, both ilia, left pubis, left ischium, left femur.