Genus: Lamplughsaura KUTTY, CHATTERJEE, GALTON & UPCHURCH, 2007
Etymology: In honor of the late Pamela Lamplugh Robinson of University College,
University of London, England, who founded and guided the ISI (pronouced Lam-pl-sura,
feminine), and Greek, saura (feminine), "lizard."
Species: dharmarensis KUTTY, CHATTERJEE, GALTON & UPCHURCH, 2007
Etymology: In reference to the Dharmaram Formation.
Holotype: ISI R257
Locality: North of Krishnapur village, 79°32', 19°15', Adilabad District, Andhra Predesh State, Southern India.
Horizon: Upper Dharmaram Formation.
Age: Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: Almost complete neck, 8 dorsal neural arches and 4 centra, a sacral arch, 11 caudal vertebrae, 4 dorsal ribs, 5 chevrons, scapulae, left sternal plate, humeri, right ulna, 2 metacarpals, ischia, right femur, fibulae, left tibia, astragalus, calcaneum, metatarsal III.
Lamplughsaura dharmarensis (modified from KUTTY, et. al., 2007), Holotype: ISI R257.
Referred material:
ISI R258: Much of disarticulated skull, vertebrae, ribs, right pubis, metatarsals.
ISI R259: Floor of braincase and prootic, left maxilla, right ilium, and left femur.
ISI R261: Articulated dorsal vertebrae, both humerii, left radius, ulna, manus and part of a pes.
ISI R260: