Species: madagascariensis (OGIER, 1975) BONAPARTE, 1986
Etymology: In reference to the country of Madagascar.
= Bothriospondylus madagascariensis OGIER,
Holotype: Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, MAA. 91-92
Locality: South of the Kamoro River, Manary-Abo, near Andranomany, Northern Madagascar.
Horizon: Isalo Formation.
Age: Bathonian Stage, Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: 2 associated neural arches of posterior dorsals.
Referred material:
OGIER, 1975
MAA 157, 158, 164, 156, 165, 160, 159, 161, 182: Humeri.
MAA 65, 31, 162, 154, 163, 193: Ulnae.
MAA 69, 32, 33, 55, 194, 174: Radii.
MAA 167, 67, 166, 46, 119, 190, 191, 178, 192, 185, 186: Femora.
MAA 66, 68, 57, 54, 195, 179: Tibiae.
MAA 116: Scapula.
MAA 115: Coracoid.
MAA 117, 118, 30: Pubi.
MAA 113: Ilium.
MAA 114, 84, 85: Ischium.
MAA 100: Metacarpal V.
MAA 102: Metacarpal II.
MAA 98:
MAA 70:
MAA 142:
MAA 103: Metacarpal IV.
MAA 142:
MAA 95: Metacarpal I.
MAA 99: Metacarpal III.
MAA 149: Metatarsal I.
MAA 104: Metatarsal.
MAA 96: Metatarsal II.
MAA 97: Metatarsal III.
MAA 112, 141, 195, 151, 109, 140: Manus phalanges.
MAA 110, 106, 107, 108, 150: Pes phalanges.
MAA 132: Right astragalus.
MAA 168: Neural arch of a cervical?
MAA 172: Posterior cervical centra.
MAA 5: Cervical centra.
MAA 83: Cervical centra.
MAA 122: Dorsal centra.
MAA 82: Dorsal neural arch.
MAA 89: Sacral neural arch.
MAA 170: Sacral rib.
MAA 14: Sacral neural arch.
MAA 87: Sacral centra.
MAA 79: Sacral centra.
MAA 7: Anterior caudal vertebra?
MAA 134: Middle caudal centrum.
MAA 76: Anterior caudal centrum.
MAA 128: Middle caudal centrum.
MAA 131: Posterior caudal.
MAA 38: Posterior caudal.
MAA 133: Anterior caudal vertebra.
MAA 196: Fragmentary tooth.
MAA 198: Tooth.
MAA 199: Fragment of a germ tooth.
MAA 173: Tooth.
MAA 197: Fragment of mandible.
Composite skeleton.
Locality: North West Madagascar.
Age: Middle Jurassic.
Number: Not given: Limb bones and vertebrae.
Locality: Between Ambondromamy and Ambalanjanakomby, about 170 km east-southeast of Mahajanga, Madagascar.
Horizon: Isalo III subgroup.
Age: Middle Jurassic.
Numbers: Not given: Fragmentary femur, neural spine and dorsal centrum.