Genus: Melanorosaurus HAUGHTON, 1924
Etymology: Greek, melanos “black," Greek, oros, “mountain," and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Black mountain lizard”.
= Malanorosaurus YADAGIRI, 1988 (sic)
= Melanosaurus HUENE, 1954/GILMORE, 1927 (sic)
= Melanososaurus YADAGIRI, 1988 (sic)
= Roccosaurus VAN HEERDEN vide ANDERSON & CRUICKSHANK, 1978 (nomen nudum)

Species: readi HAUGHTON, 1924
Etymology: In honor of Mr. B. Read, former Principal of the Bensonvale Training School, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, of whos kindness, display of interest, and hospitality given to Haughton.

Lectotype: SAM-PK-3449

Locality: Northern slope of the mountain Thaba 'Nyama (“Black Mountain”), lying between Josana’s Hoek and Josana’s Neck, near Bensonvale, (?)30'37"S, 27'20"E, Transkei (Herschel) District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Near base of Red Beds, Lower Elliot Formation.


Age: Late Carnian or Early Norian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Mid-cervical neural arch, a mid-cervical centrum, a cervicodorsal centrum, 2 dorsal centra, and 2 dorsal neural arches, 2 partial sacral vertebrae, 2 proximal caudal vertebrae, 1 middle caudal vertebra, a right ulna, partial left radius, a right ilium, a partial left pubis, complete left tibia, partial right tibia, left fibual, partial left metatarsals I, II, and IV adn a complete left metatarsal III.

Lectoype SAM-PK-3449 after Barrett & Choiniere, 2024 via Scott Hartman.


Referred material:

HUENE, 1932

Locality: Lady Grey, near Aliwal North, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Red beds.


Age: Late Triassic.


Number: Not given: Dorsal centra.

Number: Not given: Sacral centra.

Number: Not given: Caudal centra.


van HEERDEN & GALTON, 1997

Locality: Farm Milner, Wodehouse (Dordrecht) District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Base of the Elliot Formation.


Age: Late Carnian or Early Norian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


NMQR R1551: Cervical vertebrae, several dorsal vertebrae, 4 associated sacrals, a number of caudal vertebrae, as well as various girdle and limb bones of two individuals.

Note: Barrett & Choiniere, 2024 believe this is a different genus.


= Euskelosaurus browni WELMAN, 1995, YATES, 2007b

Locality: Farm Damplaats, near Ladybrand, Ladybrand District, Free (Orange Free) State Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Base of the Elliot Formation.


Age: Late Carnian or Early Norian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


NM QR 3314: Skull and articulated skeleton.

Note: BARRETT & CHOINIERE, 2024 believe this is a different genus.

= Roccosaurus tetrascralis VAN HEERDEN vide KITCHING & RAATH, 1984 (nomen nudum)


Locality: Milner [part of Swenpoort], Wodehouse District, (?)31'14S, 27'00"E, South Africa.

Horizon: Lower Elliot Formation.


Age: Late Carnian or Early Norian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.



Species: thabanensis GAUFFRE, 1993
Etymology: From Thaban which means mountain in local language Lesotho.

Holotype: Museum National d’Historie Naturelle and Les for Lestho, MNHN LES-16

Locality: The Thabana-Morena Mountain, 15 km east-south to Mafeteng, Lesotho, Southern Africa.

Horizon: Upper Elliot Formation.


Age: Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.

Material: Right femur.