Species: junghsiensis YOUNG, 1939
Etymology: In reference to Junghsein, Sichuan Province, China.
= Omeisaurus yunghsiensis YOUNG, 1939 (sic)
= Omeisaurus junghsienensis YOUNG, 1958 (sic)
= Omeisaurus jungshiensis DONG, 1987 (sic)
Neotype: CV-001
Locality: A few yards East of the river which runs North-South from the Junghsien City, Hsikuashan (Fudong, Zittonggiao), Jungsien (Rongxian), Junghsien, Wujiaba, near Zigong City, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Tzeluting Formation (old ?Xiashaximiao Formation).
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Late Middle Jurassic.
Material: Occiput, cranium, frontal and parietal.
CV-002: Occiput and cranium.
Referred material:
CV-003: Basioccipital and basisphenoid.
CV-004: Basioccipital region with exoccipital.
CV-006: Basioccipital and partial basisphenoid.
CV-007: Basioccipital.
CV-008: Basioccipital and left quadrate.
CV-009: Basioccipital.
CV-010: Basioccipital and basisphenoid.
CV-011: Basioccipital and basisphenoid.
CV-012-1: Right parietal and frontal.
CV-013-1: Supraoccipital.
CV-014: Right parietal and left frontal.
CV-015: Frontal, parietal and left prefrontal.
CV-016: Supraoccipital, right parietal, left frontal and ectopterygoid.
CV-017: Left frontal.
CV-018: Supraoccipital.
CV-019: Left prefrontal.
CV-020: Left premaxilla.
CV-021: Right premaxilla.
CV-022: Left maxilla and postorbital.
CV-023: Left maxilla with 3 teeth.
CV-024: Left dentary.
Locality: Near Chenchia, about 10 li North East of Yunghsien, Hsikuashan, Junghsien, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Age: Late Jurassic.
Number: Not given: Tooth.
DONG, ZHOU, & ZHANG, 1983Locality: Wujibai, Zigong City, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Shanghaximiao Formation.
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Early Late Jurassic.
CV V00260: Nearly complete skeleton.
= Omeisaurus cf. junghsiensis YOUNG, 1942Locality: Chungchai, Kanghsien, Gansu (Kansu) Province, China.
Horizon: Kuangyuan series.
Age: Late Jurassic.
IVPP V240: 6 teeth (loc. 47)
IVPP V257: Left humerus (loc. 48)
IVPP V241: Tooth.
= Omeisaurus cf. junghsiensis YOUNG & CHOW, 1953
Locality: Unknown, China.
Age: Late Jurassic.
IVPP V714: Right scapula, middle part of a left scapula, a left scapula, a left incomplete coracoid, probably proximal part of the pubes, and a claw of a second digit of pes.
= Omeisaurus changshouensis YOUNG, 1958
Etymology: In reference to Changshoushein, China.
= Omeisaurus changshuoensis ZHANG & CHEN, 1996 (sic)Holotype: IVPP V930
Locality: Moutzenhan, Szetzan, Changshouhsien along the Yangtze River, 111 km NE of Chungking, China.
Horizon: Shangshaximiao Formation.
Age: Oxfordian Stage, Lower Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: 11 disconnected neck and dorsal vertebrae, ?distal part of a right scapula, right coracoid, a damaged left humerus, 2 partly articulated hind bones, 2 ischia (badly broken, one left and one right), a complete right pubis, proximal part of a left femur, a nearly complete left tibia and fibula, and a right astraglus, and many undetermible bones.
Species: fuxiensis DONG, ZHOU & ZHANG, 1983
Etymology: In referecne to Fuxien, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Holotype: CV 00267
Locality: Wujiaba, Zigong, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Upper Shaximiao Formation.
Age: Late Jurassic.
Material: Basiocciptial, dentary and maxilla.
Species: tianfuensis HE, LI, CAI, & GAO, 1984
Etymology: In reference to Tianfu, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Holotype: ZDM 5002 (field no. II-C-9, II-E)
Locality: Dashanpu (Dashanpu Dinosaur Quarry), lat. 29°5’N, long. 104°50’E, situated 11 km east of Zigong City, 250 km south of Chengdu, Hechuan County, Sichuan Basin, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Xaishaximiao (Shaximiao) Formation.
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Note: Bajocian (CHEN et al. 1982), Lower Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Skull and nearly complete skeleton.
T5702 (fiel no. I-U): Skull missing the right mandible and most of the functional teeth, and a partial postcranial skeleton.
Referred material:
ZDM 5007 (field no. I-N1): Incomplete skull, 12 cervicals, left scapula, coracoid, right humerus, ulnae and radii, some metacarpals, manual phalanges, metatarsals and pedal phalanges.
ZDM 5005 (field no. I-J): 8 cervicals, 12 dorsals, 4 sacrals, and 36 caudals, complete pectoral and pelvic girdles, nearly complete forelimbs (lacking right ulnae and radius) and complete hind limbs.
ZDM 5004 (field no. AF): Incomplete skull, cervical, 10 dorsals, 4 sacrals, 32 caudals, left scapula, complete left forelimb, nearly complete pelvic girdles and hindlimbs.
ZDM 5046 (field no. I-N2): Cervical, 5 dorsals, 2 sacrals, 6 caudal vertebrae, right scapula, right humerus and radius, both ilia, left pubis and ischium, and left femur.
T5703: Lower jaw, fragmentary skull, and fragmentary skeleton.
Omeisaurus tianfuensis (modified from HE, LI, & CAI, 1988), T5703.
T5704: Sacrals and fragmentary skeleton.
T5705: Fragmentary skeleton and lower jaw.
T 5706 (field no. I-Y): 5 dorsals, 4 sacrals, right ilium, and right digits.
T 5707 (field no. I-A): 11 dorsals, 11 anterior caudals, sterni, complete girdle and some limb bones.
T 5708 (field n0. I-G): 6 cervicals and some limb bones.
T 5709 (field no. I-Z): Left maxilla, and 3 medial cervicals.
T5710: 1 cervical, 5 dorsals, 2 sacrals, 6 caudals, right scapula, humerus, radius, ilia, left pubis, ischium, femur and elements of a juvenile.
Unnumbered bones: Scattered bones of juveniles.
Jc27: Fragmentary skeleton.
K-16: Fragmentary skeleton.
DONG, PENG & DAXI, 1989Locality: Dashanpu (Dashanpu Dinosaur Quarry), lat. 29°5’N, long. 104°50’E, situated 11 km east of Zigong City, 250 km south of Chengdu, Hechuan County, Sichuan Basin, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Xaishaximiao (Shaximiao) Formation.
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Note: Bajocian (CHEN et al. 1982), Lower Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: ZDM 5045, 5046, 5048, 5049, 5050, 5052: Distal caudal vertebrae with tail club.
ZDM 5045
Species: luoquanensis LI vide HE, LI & CAI, 1988
Etymology: In reference to Luoquan Village, Sichuan Province, China, were the specimen was discovered.
Holotype: IVPP V21501 (GCC No. 2005?)
Locality: Luoquan Village, Zizhong County, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Lower Shaximiao Formation.
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage (DONG & TANG, 1984), Middle-Upper Dogger
Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Note: Bajocian (CHEN et al. 1982), Lower Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary cervical centra, 2 cervical spines, 11 dorsal spines,
about 20 dorsal ribs, 3 co-ossified sacral spines, 10 consequently proximal
caudals, 4 distal caudals, 7 chevrons of proximal caudals,
incomplete right scapula, humerus, ilium, pubis and a perfect right femur.
Referred material:
IVPP V21502: Proximal part of right scapula, right tibia and fibula.
Species: maoianus TANG, JING, KANG & ZHANG, 2001
Etymology: In honor of Professor Mao Zhaoxi in Zhejiang University, who is
the former director of Cultural Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China and provides important
support on this work.
Holotype: ZNM N8510
Locality: Vicinity of Jingyuan, western Sichuan Basin, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Lower part of Shang-Shaximiao Formation.
Age: Early Late Jurassic.
Material: Nearly complete skull, 3 cervicals, 4 dorsals, and 22 caudals, pelvic girdle, forelimb and hindlimb except some digits.
Species: jiaoi JIANG, LI, PENG, & YE, 2011
Holotype: ZDM 5050
Locality: Dashanpu (Dashanpu Dinosaur Quarry), lat. 29°5’N, long. 104°50’E, situated 11 km east of Zigong City, 250 km south of Chengdu, Hechuan County, Sichuan Basin, Sichuan (Szechwan) Province, China.
Horizon: Xaishaximiao (Shaximiao) Formation.
Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Note: Bajocian (CHEN et al. 1982), Lower Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Incomplete skeleton lacking skull and cervicals and tip of the tail.
Species: puxiani TAN, XIAO, DAI, HU, LI, MA, WEI, YU, XIONG, PENG, JIANG, REN & YOU, 2020
Etymology: The specific name is after Samantabhadra (PuXian in Chinese, the Dodhisattva of Emei Mountain in the Sichuan Basin), 'Pu" in the specific name also indicates Pu'an, the holotype locality is a place attractive to virtue persons.
Holotype: CLGRP V0005
Locality: Laojun Village, Pu'an Township, Yunyang County, 108°55'86"E, 30°50'45.44"N, Chongqing Municipality, China.
Horizon: Lower to middle portion of the Lower Member, Shaximiao Formation.
Age: Bajocian Stage, Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: 20 middle t0 posteror cervicals (possibly cervicals 8-17), 12 dorsals, patial sacrals, 24 caudals (10 anterior caudals, 19 middle caudals and 4 posterior caudals), fragments of ribs and chevrons, partial clavicle, right humerus, ulna, radius, 2 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 6 phalanges, partial ilium, partial left and right femurs, partial right tibia and fibula.