Genus: Qaikshaheen MALKANI, 2023
In honor of
Qaed AllamaIqbal and Imran Khan, abbreviated as Qaid (QAIK), and Urdu/Saraiki, shaheen, "king." The genus name Qaikshaheen can be pronunciated as Qaik, Shaheen. Here honored as Allama Iqbal great leader of Pakistan, and both Imran Khan Former Prime Minister of Pakistan and Imran Riaz Khan great journalist and leader to support poor peoples of Sulaiman fold belt whch host these fossils.
Species: masoomniazi MALKANI, 2023
Etymology: Urdu/Saraika, masoom, "innocent" and in honor of Former Prime Minsiter of Pakistan of Pakistan who supported the poor peoples of Kohn Sulaiman area (host of bones). The species name masoomniazi can be pronunciated as Masoom-Niazi.
Holotype: GSP-UM/Sangiali-1101 (see below for the rest of the holotype)
Locality: Mid Sangiali Locality (Pakistan dinosaur locality 1) at latitude 29.6981oN and longitude 69.39812E and longitudes 69.39872E and 69.39882.E, Vitakri Dome area, Barkhan District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan.
Horizon: Vitakri Formation (lower Formations), upper sandstone unite, Fort Munro Group.
Age: Latest Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subeopch, Late Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Posterior cervical centrum.
GSP-UM/Sangaili-1176: Partial cervicodorsal centrum.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1102,m 1103, 1123: 3 partial dorsal vertebrae.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1104: Dorsal neural arch.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1105, 1106, 1107: 3 partial caudal vertebrae.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1108, 1109: Distal scapula in 2 pieces.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1110: Mid scapula.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1111: Proximal left scapula.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1112: Left coracoid.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1113: Proximal right humerus.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1114: Humerus cross section.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1115: Distal right humerus.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1116: Partial ischium.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1118: Proximal left femur.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1119: Right proximal and mid femur.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-112o: Left porximal tibia.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1121: Proximal left fibula.
GSP-UM/Sangiali-1122: Mid fibula.
Referred material:
Locality: Mid Bor Locality, Barkhan District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan.
Horizon: Vitakri Formation (lower Formations)
Age: Latest Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subeopch, Late Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Note: Believed to belong to one individual.
GSP/MSM-41-2, 42-2, 302-2, 360-2: Caudal vertebrae.
GSP/MSM-187-2: Distal part of cervical rib.
GSP/MSM-120-2: Cervicodorsal vertebra.
GSP/MSM-121-2: Dorsal vertebra.
GSP/MSM-122-2 to 125-2, 301-2, 441-2: Disal thoracis ribs.
GSP/MSM-135-2: Pair of sacral vertebrae.
GSP/MSM-178-2: Proximal femur.
GSP/MSM-182-2: Distal femur.
GSP/MSM-184-2: Proximal ischium.
GSP/MSM-271-2, 573-2: Right and left ulnae.
GSP/MSM-277-2, 285-2, 361-2, 370-2, 683-2, 684-2, 687-2, 1028-2: Distal metacarpals.
GSP/MSM-278-2, 279-2, 295-2, 566-2, 683-2, 685-2, 686-2, 688-2, 1029: Proximal metacarpals.
GSP/MSM-287-2, 362-2, 363-2, 559-2: Humeurs parts.
GSP/MSM-359-2: Cervical vertebra.
GSP/MSM-560-2: Prezygapophyses and postzygapophyses.
GSP/MSM-565-2, 1004-2: Parts of sternal.
GSP/MSM-643-2, 1030-2, 1031-2: Metatarsals.
GSP/MSM-784-2: Distal rib/neural spine.
GSP/MSM-792-2: Neural spine.
GSP/MSM-852-2: Distal ulna.
Locality: Rahioli, Gujarat State, Western India.
Horizon: Lameta Formation.
Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
GSI/WR/M-90-84: Femur.
GSI 20012: Humerus.
Locality: Bara Sima Hill, Jubbulpore, Madhya Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: Lameta Formation.
Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Humerus.