Species: incertus BONAPARTE, 1969
Etymology: Latin, incertus, "uncertain."
Holotype: PVL. 3808
Locality: La Rioja Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Los Colorados Formation.
Age: Norian Stage, Upper Late Triasisc Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Skeleton, lacking skull.
Referred material:
PVL 3806: 2 dorsals? 3 sacrals, and 9 caudal vertebrae, fragmentary ilium, proximal end of a pubis, femora, tibia, fibulae, 3 incomplete metatarsals, right humerus, fragmentary costals and vertebrae.
PVL 3662: 13 incomplete vertebrae (cervical, dorsal and caudals), 1 scapula, 1 coracoid, right humerus, ilium, ischia, 1 fragmentary pube, 1 femur, distal end of tibia, 1 fibula and 1 metatarsal of a juvenile.
PVL 3815: 20 incomplete vertebrae, 2 scapulae, ilia (1 complete the other fragmentary), humeri, 1 femur, 1 complete tibia, and other fragmentary of a juvenile.
PVL. 3526: Both pubi with articulated ischia, phalanges, 4 vertebrae of the cervical-dorsal region, and 6 dorsal vertebrae.
PVL. 3805: 3 sacral and 2 caudal vertebrae, left ilium and femora.
PVL 3844: 5 cervical and 1 dorsal articulated vertebrae.
PVL 3845: Distal end of tibia and fibula with astragalus and calcaneum.
PVL 3846: Distal end of tibia and fibula with astragalus.
PVL 3467: Left ilium.
PVL 3472: Proximal end of left pubis.
PVL 3669: Left femur and left ilium.
PVL 3392: Ischia.
PVL 3668: Fragmentary scapula and coracoid, fragmentary humerus and proximal end of ulna.
PVL 3478: Proximal end of a humerus.
PVL 3533: Left ilium.
PVL 3393: 3 dorsal vertebrae, 3 incomplete sacrals, and 1 caudal vertebrae, fragmentary scapula and coracoid, 1 humerus, both pubae, tibiae and fibula, and distal end of femur.
PVL 3847: 2 fragments of a cranium and possible postfrontals.
ULR 56: Skull, dentary and nearly complete skeleton.
Locality: Austral border of the Marayes-El Carrixal basin, Eastern San Juan Basin, Argentina.
Horizon: Quebrada del Barro Formation.
Age: Norian Stage, Upper Late Triasisc Epoch, Late Triassic.
Number: Not given: Incomplete pes, astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsals, metatarsals II, III, IV, and V, proximal metatarsus with 8 phalanges corresponding to digits I and IV, and 4 fragmentary caudal vertebrae.
= Strenusaurus procerus BONAPARTE, 1969
Etymology: Latin, procerus, "slim."Holotype: PVL 3663
Locality: La Rioja Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Los Colorados Formation.
Age: Norian Stage, Upper Late Triasisc Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: 7 posterior dorsal vertebrae, scapula and coracoid, ilium, pubis with fragmentary ischium, humerus, femur, fragmentary tibia and astragalus.