Species: bedheimensis GALTON, 2001b
Etymology: In honor of Hugo Ruhle von Lilienstern of Bedheim.
Holotype: MB, unnumbered.
Locality: Steinmergelbank, Grossen Gleichberg near Romhild, 20 km from Schleusingen, southwest of Hildburghausen, South Thuringia State, Germany.
Horizon: Trossigen Formation, Knollenmergel, Late Middle Triassic.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Cervicals 4-10, dorsals 1-14, partial sacrum, about 20 caudals right scapula-coracoid, both humeri, right radius and ulna, both manus (incomplete),
both pelvic girdles, femora, tibiae, and right astragalus.