Species: bisepultus GORSCAK, O’CONNOR, STEVENS & ROBERTS, 2014
Etymology: Latin, bispeutus, "twice buried," in reference to dual nature of the holotype specimen being initally entombed in an overbank-derived mudstone, with a portion of the same skeleton later being mobilized by a paleochannel and reburied nearby as part of a channel sandstone facies.
Holotype: RRBP 07409
Locality: Locality RRBP 2007-02 (Namba 2), approximately 25 km south of Lake Rukwa in the Galula Study area, Rukwa Rift Basin, Southwester Tanzania.
Horizon: Namba Member, Galula Formation.
Age: Upper Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch-Lower Cenomanian Stage, Uppermiddle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.
Material: 3 posterior cervical vertebrae, 1 partial anterior dorsal vertebral neural arch, 3 anterior caudal vertebrae, 6 middle caudal vertebrae, 2 chevrons, multiple partial dorsal ribs, distal left scapula, partial left and right coracoids, left humerus, partial right ulna, left ilium and proximal right pubis.
Referred material:
RRBP 03151: Right humerus.