Genus: Rukwatitan GORSCAK, O’CONNOR, STEVENS & ROBERTS, 2014
Etymology: From Rukwa, (masc.) referring to Lake Rukwa of southwestern Tanzania and the strucutral rift basin of the same name from which the holotype and referred humerus were recovered, and Greek, titan, offspring of Uranus and Gaea, symbolic and brute strength and large size.

Species: bisepultus GORSCAK, O’CONNOR, STEVENS & ROBERTS, 2014
Etymology: Latin, bispeutus, "twice buried," in reference to dual nature of the holotype specimen being initally entombed in an overbank-derived mudstone, with a portion of the same skeleton later being mobilized by a paleochannel and reburied nearby as part of a channel sandstone facies.

Holotype: RRBP 07409

Locality: Locality RRBP 2007-02 (Namba 2), approximately 25 km south of Lake Rukwa in the Galula Study area, Rukwa Rift Basin, Southwester Tanzania.

Horizon: Namba Member, Galula Formation.


Age: Upper Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch-Lower Cenomanian Stage, Uppermiddle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: 3 posterior cervical vertebrae, 1 partial anterior dorsal vertebral neural arch, 3 anterior caudal vertebrae, 6 middle caudal vertebrae, 2 chevrons, multiple partial dorsal ribs, distal left scapula, partial left and right coracoids, left humerus, partial right ulna, left ilium and proximal right pubis.

Referred material:

RRBP 03151: Right humerus.