Genus: Saltasaurus BONAPARTE & POWELL, 1980
Etymology: In reference to the province of Salta, Northwestern Argentina, and Greek, sauros, "lizard": “Salta lizard”..

Species: loricatus BONAPARTE & POWELL, 1980
= Atlantosauridae BONAPARTE, SALFTITY, BOSSI, & POWELL, 1977
Etymology: Latin, loricatus, "armored"; In reference to the armored condition of the species.

Holotype: PVL 4017-92

Locality: Estancia El Brete, Department of Candelaria, Southern Salta Province, Northwestern Argentina.

Horizon: Lecho Formation, Balbuena Subgroup, Salta Group.


Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: A complete fused sacrum to both ilia.

Brakedown of PVL 4017 as follows:

2 fragmentary skeletons.

PVL-4017-1: Axis.

PVL-4017-3,50,139: Anterior cervical vertebrae.

PVL-4017-5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10,290,213, 214: Posterior cervical vertebrae.

PVL-4017-10. 11, 12: Anterior dorsal vertebrae.

PVL 4017-11: Right frontal of a juvenile.

PVL-4017-13, 14, 15, 1, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 53, 58, 59, 86, 135, `136, 137, 138, 215: Posterior dorsal vertebrae.

PVL-4017-18: Fragmentary sacrum.

PVL-4017-19, 21: 1st and second caudal vertebrae.

PVL-4017-22, 24, 25, 26: Anterior caudal vertebrae.

PVL-4017-32, 38, 39, 140, 141, 191, 207, 218, 219, 220: Posterior caudal vertebrae.

PVL-4017-44: Neural arch.

PVL-4017-46, 65, 88: Tibiae.

PVL-4017-69, CNS-V 10023: Median portion of humeri.

PVL-4017-62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67: Humeri.

PVL-4017-70, 71: Juvenile humeri.

PVL-4017-72-75, 151: Ulnae.

PVL-4017-76, 151: Radii.

PVL-4017-77: Left median radius.

PVL-4017-78: Left radius of a juvenile.

PVL-4017-79, 80, 82, 83, CNS-V 10.024: Femora.

PVL-4017-84: Distal and proximal end of tibia.

PVL-4017-85: Fibula.

PVL-4017-87: Juvenile tibia.

PVL-4017-93: Sacrum fused with ilia.

PVL-4017-94: Left ilia and distal sacral vertebrae.

PVL-4017-95: Right pubis.

PVL-4017-96: Distal end of pubis.

PVL-4017-97, 98: Proximal ends of pubi.

PVL-4017-99, 154: Ischia.

PVL-4017-100, 101: Left coracoids.

PVL-4017-103: Right coracoid.

PVL-4017-104: Juvenile scapula.

PVL-4017-105: Adult scapula.

PVL-4017-108: Articulated sternals.

PVL-4017-109, 110: Right sternal.

PVL-4017-111: Anterior end of a left sternal.

PVL-4017-112-116, 134: Osteoderms.

PVL 4017-113: Disk osteoderm.

PVL 4017-115: Disk osteoderm.

PVL-4017-117-119, 120: 4 sheets of small dermal ossicles in natural position.

PVL-4017-121: Metatarsal V.

PVL-4017-122, 131: Metatarsal II.

PVL-4017-123, 133, 182: Metatarsals.

PVL-4017-124: Metatarsal II?

PVL-4017-125: Metacarpal III.

PVL-4017-126, 127, 180: Metacarpal III.

PVL-4017-128: Metacarpal IV?

PVL 4017-161: Posterior end of a cranium.

PVL 4017-162: Posterior superior of the cranium, right and left frontal, left parietal, supraoccipital, laterioespheiond, orbitosefendois and part of the left exoccipital.