Genus: Tambatitanis SAEGUSA & IKEDA, 2014
Etymology: In reference to the Tamba, the northwestern region of Kansai Area,
SW Japan, where the type specmen was collected, and Greek, titanis, refers
to giants, symbolic of the great size of the specimen.
Species: amicitiae SAEGUSA & IKEDA, 014
Etymology: Latin, amictia, "friendship," refers to the friendship between
messrs. Murakami Shigeru and Adachi Kiyoshi who found the holotpe skeleton
of this new species, in August, 2006.
Holotype: MNHAH D-1029280
Locality: Kamitaki, Sannan-cho, Tamba City, Hyogo Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan.
Horizon: "Lower" Formation, of the Sasayama Group.
Age: Porbably early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: A partial skeleton represented by teeth, a braincase, dentary, atals, a fragmentary cervical vertebra, fragmentary dorsal vertebrae, dorsal ribs, first sacral ribs, spines of sacral vertebrae, a pubis, an ilium, caudal vertebrae and chevrons.