Genus: Tornieria STERNFELD, 1911
Etymology: In honor of Gustav Tornier, (1859-1938), German paleontologist known for his “crawling” restoration of Diplodocus” to preplace the preoccupied Gigantosaurus FRAAS, 1908.
= Gigantosaurus FRAAS, 1908/SEELEY, 1869
= Mohammadisaurus MAIER, 2003 (nomen nudum)
Note : Skeleton H.

Species: africana (FRAAS, 1908) STERNFELD, 1911
Etymology: In reference to Africa where the specimen was found.
= Gigantosaurus africanus FRAAS, 1908
= Barosaurus africanus (FRAAS, 1908) JANENSCH, 1929

Holotype: SMNS 12141a (A), 12145a, 12143, 12140, 12142

Locality: Upper Saurian beds of Tendaguru beds, 500 m south of Tendaguru Hill (locality 'A', Fraas, 1908, Janensch, 1925), Tendaguru plateau, District of Lindi, Tendaguru, Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa.

Horizon: Upper Tendaguru Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Brackdown as follows;

SMNS 12141a: Centrum of the second caudal vertebra.

SMNS 12145a: Rib fragment.

SMNS 12143: Right ischium.

SMNS 12140: Right femur.

SMNS 12142: Right fibula of 'skeleton A'.

REMES, 2006

SMNS 12145c: Eroded right astragalous, presumably of skeleton A.

MB.R.2728 (A 4): Left Scapula.

MB.R.2672 (A 1): Right humerus.

MB.R.2713 (A 4): Right ilium of skeleton A.

Note: The following elements come from the same individual as the holotype, but cannot be regared as type material because they were excavated later and therfore not included in Frass' (1908) original descrption (ICZN, 1999: Art. 73.1.3). A partial skeleton ('k') incorporates specimens MB.R.2386 (k1), K 3, k ?, MB.R.2730 (k 34), MB.R.2726 (k 35), MB.R.2673 (k 37), Mb.R.2586 (k 38), Mb.R.2733 (k 44), MB.R.269 (k 40), and MB.R.2572 (k 41): A partial skull with braincase and right posterior skull roof, badly preserved cervical vertebra, posterior caudal vertebra, left scapula, right sternal plate, right humerus, right ulna, right ischium, right femur and left tibia, prepectively.

Referred material:

C: Dorsal and caudal vertebrae, ilium, femur, tibia, fibula and astragalus.

H: Ribs, scapula, ulna, radius, pubis, ischium, femur, tibia, fibula.

Z: Dorsal vertebrae, 40 caudal vertebrae, humerus, radius, pubis, ischium,, femur, tibia, fibula.

e: Sacrum, caudal vertebrae, ilium, pubis, ischium and femur.

K: Skull fragment, maxilla, cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, ribs, scapula, coracoid, humerus, ulna, ischium, femur, tibia and fibula.

ki: 2 skull fragments, premaxilla, teeth, cervical, dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, (Glidemassenkochen (?))

K1: Left parietal, left frontal, and right maxilla.

MB.R.2386 (k 1): Braincase.

dd 316: Braincase.

dd 130: Braincase

dd 416: Left premaxilla.

dd 518: Left dental.

dd 517: Left prefrontal.

Ki 125: Right premaxilla.

Ki 126: Left premaxilla.

Ki 127: Left maxilla.

Ki 128: Right teilstuck.

Ki 129: Right dentary.

REMES, 2006

MB.R.2956.1 (dd 474): Anterior caudal vertebra.

MB.R.2956.2 (dd 117), .3 (dd746), .4 (dd 746), .5 (dd 349), .6 (dd 151), .7 (dd 257), .8 (dd ?), .9 (dd 77), .10, (dd 116), .15 (dd 345), 2957 (dd ?), 2958 (dd 358): Proximal mid-caudal vertebra.

MB.R.2956.11 (dd ?), .12 (dd 207), .13 (dd 119), .14 (dd ?), 16, (dd 352), .17 (dd 78), .18 (dd 135), .19 (dd 99), .20 (dd 334?), .21 (dd 139), .22 (dd 138), .23 (dd 137), .24 (dd 136): Distal mid-caudal vertebrae.


Locality: Tendaguru, Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa.

Horizon: Middle Tendaguru Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic.


MD: caudal vertebrae.

St 234: Ilium.

Sa 29: Femur.

St 61: Fibula.



Locality: Tendaguru, Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa.

Horizon: Upper Tendagauru Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


MB.R.2730 (k 34): Left scapula.

MB.R.2726 (k 35): Right sternal plate.

G 91: Humerus.

MB.R.2673 (k 37): Right humerus.

VIII 1: Humerus.

Ki 130: Humerus.

IX x9: Humerus.

Ki 68: Humerus.

Ki 3: Humerus.

XI a 7: Humerus.

MB.R.2586 (K 38): Right ulna.

Ki 69: Ulna.

Ki 63: Ulna.

Ki 70: Radius.

A 4: Ilium.

XI 10: Pubis.

E 6: Pubis.

Ki 13: Pubis.

MB.R.2733 (K44): Right ischium.

Note: Erroneously regarded as left ischium.

XV 7: Femur.

no. 1: Femur.

e 2: Femur.

Nr. 76: Femur.

Ki 71a: Femur.

Ki 8: Femur.

Ki 2: Femur.

H 4: Femur.

MB.R.2572 (K 41): Tibia.

K 1a: Tibia.

C 13: Tibia.

K 1b: Fibula.

H 3: Fibula.

Ki 65: Fibula.

F 4: Fibula.

Nr 79: Astragalus.

K 1 c: Astragalus.

K 23: Astragalus.

TL 31: Astragalus.

Nr. 28: Metatarsal I, II, III, IV, V, phalange I, claw, phalange II, claw III 3, III 1, III2, III3, IV 1, IV 2, VI.

XIII 10: Metatarsal I, II, III, V, phalange II,.IV1.

XIII 11: Metatarsal II, III..

Mt III St 307: Left metatarsal III.



Locality: Kindopoe, NW of Tendaguru, East Africa.

Horizon: Middle Tendaguru Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic.


dd 179: Dorsal vertebra.



Locality: Kadzi River Locality, central Zimbabwe.

Horizon: Kadzi Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic.


QG 6a1: >10 anterior caudal vertebrae.

QG 66: Left humerus.

QG 67: Incomplete large right femur.


? Barosaurus africanus JANENSCH, 1929

Locality: Tendaguru, Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa.

Horizon: Upper Tendagauru Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Number: Not given: Gastrolith?


Species: gracilis (RUSSELL, BELAND & McINTOSH, 1980) OLSHEVSKY, 1991
Etymology: Latin, gracilis, "slender."
= Barosaurus gracilis RUSSELL, BELAND & McINTOSH, 1980
= Barosaurus gracilis var. gracilis JANENSCH, 1961







Referred material:


Locality: Tendaguru, Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa.

Horizon: Upper Tendagauru Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


K i 72 a: Tibia.

Ki 11: Tibia.