Genus: Turiasaurus ROYO-TORRES, COBOS & ALCALA, 2006
Etymology: From Turia, word used since the 12th century for which Teruel derives, Spain and Greek, sauros, "lizard": Turia lizard.

Species: riodevensis ROYO-TORRES, COBOS & ALCALA, 2006
Etymology: In reference to Riodeva, the village where the fossil site is located, Teurel Province, Aragon, Spain.

Holotype: CPT1195 to CPT1210

Locality: RD-10 site, Riodeva, Teurel Province, Aragon, Spain.

Horizon: Top of the Higueruelas Formation.


Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Left articulated forelimb; humerus, radius, proximally incomplete ulna, carpal, 5 metacarpals and 7 phalanges.


CPT-1211-1261: Skull fragments, 8 teeth, 6 cervical vertebrae with ribs (probably cervicals 3 to 8), 2 proximal dorsal vertebrae, a middle dorsal vertebrae, fragments of other dorsal vertebrae, 8 dorsal ribs (5 incomplete), a partial sacrum, 2 distal caudal vertebrae, a proximal fragment of the left scapula, a left sternal plate, a distal fragment of the left femur, a proximal fragment of the left tibia, a distally incomplete left fibula, a complete left astragalus, 2 left pedal phalanges and an incomplete right astragalus and pes.

Referred material:

Locality: Site RD-10 (known as Barrihonda-El Humero), Teurel Province, Aragon, Spain.

Horizon: Villar del Arzobispo Formation.


Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic - Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Lower Early Cretaceous.



MATEUS, 2009

Locality: Vale Pombas, north of municipality of Lourinha, Estremadura Province, West coast of Portugal.

Horizon: Amoreira Porto Novo member, Lourinha Formation, Lourinha Group.


Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Middle-Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


ML 368: A complete tooth with root, anterior chevron and almost complete right forelimb including poartial scapula, complete coracoid, humerus, ulna, radius, metaarpals I, III and V., phalanx, and ungual phalanx I.