Species: atokensis STOVALL & LANGSTON, 1950
Etymology: In reference to Atoka County, Oklahoma, where the specimen was found.
Holotype: OMNH 10146 (old MUO 8-0-S9)
Locality: OMNH Locality V68, W.P. Cochran Farm, Atoka County, Oklahoma.
Note: Farm of Mr. Herman Arnold, southeast part of the southwest quarter of
Sec. 26, T4S, R14E, South Oklahoma?
Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Occiput, frontals, parietals, left jugal, left lachrymal, right
squamosal, right postorbital, right ectopterygoid, articular portion of left
ramus, 9 cervicals, 6 dorsals, 8 unattached dorsal spines, 1 abdominal rib,
2 anterior chevrons, left coracoid, pubes, left ischium, distal end of right
femur, left tibia, right fibula fragmentary left fibula and left astragalus.
Note: Palaeopathology, the articular surface of the squamosal for the quadrate
has exostotic material, and the neural spine of caudal 11 seemingly suffered
a displaced fracture before healing and mentions an unusual hook like structure
on the neural spine of caudal 3 (TANKE & ROTHSCHILD, 1999, MOLNAR, 2001)
Locality: OMNH Locality V67, W.P. Cochran Farm, Atoka County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
OMNH 10147 (old MUO 8-0-S8): 2 dorsal centra, 4 unattached dorsal spines, 13 caudals, 8 dorsal ribs, 1 anterior chevron, pubes, proximal end of left femur, fragmentary left tibia, left metatarsals II-III, and left phalanx III-1.
Referred material:
OMNH 3031: 4 gastralia.
= Acranthosaurus cf. A. atokensis CARRNAO, 2024
Locality: USNM Locality 41614, teh former Cherokee-Sanford Brick Clay pit, now Dinosaur Park, near Muirkirk, Prince Geogre's County, Maryland.
Horizon: Arundel Clay.
Age: Late AptianStage, middle Gallic subepoch, lower Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
USNM 466054: A partial neural arch from dorsal vertebra 3, a partial neural arch from another anterior dorsal vertebra, 2 caudal vertebrae, the proximal end of a right femur, the proximal end and partial midshaft of a left tibia, a right calcaneum, right pedal phalanx I-1, partial right pedal phalanx II-1, right pedal phalanges III-1 and -2, right pedal phalanges IV-2 and -3 (or -3 and -4), right pedal unguals II and IV, left pedal ungual III, and several additional fragments pertaining to vertebrae, limb shafts, and phalanges.
Locality: McCurtin County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Antlers Formation, Upper unit.
Age: Cashenranchian age, Lower-Middle Albian Stage, middle Gallic subepoch, lower Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NCSM 14345: Complete skull and dentary, and fragmentary skeleton.
Note: Palaeopathologies, several broken and healed right ribs and scapula in a third specimen (LARSON, 1998, MOLNAR, 2001)
Also OMNH 10168: Fragments of vertebrae, ischium and femur.
GALLUP, 1975Locality: Willa Walla Bone Bed, 33°34’05”N, 97°29’58”W, in the northeastern part of Montague County, It lies adjacent to Farm-to-Market Road 1630, Texas.
Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.Biostratigraphy:
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: Locality 208-50, this locality is actually a complex of field numbers 202-50, 209-50, 212-50, The locality is a large gully system of several acres on the property of Mr. M. P. Perkins, about 974 meters north of Farm-to-Market Road 2048, 33°02’20”N, 97°37’30”W, Texas.
Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: 239-50, Texas.Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: Locality 123-50/124-50, a very simple gully systems just off the dirt road west of farm-to-Market Road 750, located at 33°22’15”N, 97°33’24”W, Wise County, Texas.Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: FM 47-50, FM 9s-52#1, Texas.Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
Locality: Greenwood Tank Gully is a relatively rich badlands area of considerable extent in north-central Texas, occupying at least 10 acres. The gullies vary in depth and may be as much as 5 meters deep in some places. The locality is situated off Farm-to-Market Road 1655, slightly less than 1.0 kilometer south of Forestburg, 33°29’49”N, 97°35’14”W, FM 3-51#1, FM 2-51#1, FM 8-52#1, Turtle Gully, Montague County, Texas.Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Number: Not given: Teeth.
HARRIS, 1997Locality: Hobson Ranch, SMU Locality #261, Parker County, Texas.
Horizon: Twin Mountains Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
SMU 74646 (FWMSH 93B-9): Right palatine, left ectopterygoid, a partial left jugal, the caudal end of one mandible, 2 teeth, fragmentary cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, ribs, gastralia, fragmentary scapulae, ischia, pubes, femora and distal end of a metatarsal.
Note: Palaeopathology, Neural spine of caudal 16 was broken and displaced and pears a pit that may be the result of a bite, nondisplaced healed fractures of 5 ribs are interpreted by a single incident, another dorsal rib bears what seems to have been pseudoarthrosis that ultimately rejoined, the proximal end of dorsal rib 13 was also fractured, and a pit on the dorsal surface suggested that this maybe healed bite mark, a pair of apparently pseudoarthrotic gastralia and the neural spines of cervicals 3 and 4.
Locality: Briar Site, ca. 18 km NNW Nashville, 34.09°N, 93.88°W, Howard County, Southwest Arkansas.
Horizon: Uppermost Holly Cross Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
UA-2016-13-039: Partial dorsal vertebra.
UA-2016-13-040: Sacral centra.
UA-2016-13-045: Phalanx 1.
UA-2016-13-058: Ulnare?
UA-2016-13-77: Proximal end of left pubis.
UA-2016-13-78: Proximal end of right pubis.
UA-2016-13-79: Proximal ischium?
UA-2016-13-80 to UA-2106-13-082, UA 2-16-13-084: