Genus: Ambopteryx WANG, O'CONNOR, XU & ZHOU, 2019
Etymology: Latin, ambo, "both," and Latin, pteryx, "wing"; refering to the pterosaur-like wing that is present in the non-avian dinosaur.
Species: longibrachium WANG, O’CONNOR, XU, & ZHOU, 2019
Etymology: Latin, longi, "long," and Latin, brachium, "upper arm"; in reference to the elongate forelimb.
Holotype: IVPP V 24192 (part and counterpart)
Locality: Near Wubaiding Village, Reshuitang Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, China.
Horizon: Equivalent to the Haifanggou Formation, Yanliao Biota.
Age: Oxfordian Stage, Lower Malm Epoch, Early Late Jurassic.
Material: Nearly complete skeleton.
Note: With associated soft tissue.