Genus: Anserimimus BARSBOLD, 1988
Etymology: Latin, anser, “goose” and Greek mimos, “mimic”, Goose mimic.

Species: planinychus BARSBOLD, 1988
Etymology: "flat clawed."

Holotype: SPS GIN AN (Acad. Sci.) MPR, No. 100/300

Locality: Bügiin (Bugeen) Tsav, Nomingiin Gobi Desert, Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia.

Horizon: Beds of Bugeen Tsav (equivalent of the Nemegt Formation).


Age: ?Upper Campanian - ?lower Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete interacranial skeleton without skull.

Scapula, manus and metatarsals.

Referred material:

= aff. Anserimimus planinychus BRONOWICZ, 2011

ZPAL MgD-I/65: Associated partial axial skeleton with hind-and foreimb eleents.

ZPAL MgD-I/66: Forelimb elements.

ZPAL MgD-I/23, MgD-I-231, ZPAL MgD-I/233: Unguals of the manus.