Species: sastrei BONPARTE, 1985
Etymology: In reference to Estancia Pocho Sastre, Chubut
Province, Patagonia, Argentina
Holotype: MACN-CH 894
Locality: Estancia Pocho Sastre, near Bajada Moreno, Telsen Department, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.
Horizon: Lower section of the La Colonia Formation.
Note: Missidenitifed from near the top of the Gorro Frigio Formation Bonaparte,
Age: Allenian Tetrapoda Assemblage, Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull, lower jaw and skeleton lacking pes, also has skin impressions.
Note: A right furcula was found.